Kamon's Light

A relic of immense power, crafted through the combined power of three of the Divines and gifted to the people of Sparos as part of a last ditch, though ultimately futile intervention to save the once great nation from destruction at the hands of the Vampires of Ymeris.


In the closing stages of the civil war that broke out within the ancient kingdom of Sparos following the creation of the first Vampire Elves of Sparos were on their knees with their ancient capital Penelionar itself under threat.   Not wanting the favourite of her children to be destroyed at the hands of such an anathema as the Vampires, the Divine Sagosa enlisted the help of the Divines Hvanmara and Gormallis to create an item that might swing the war back into Sparos' favour.   The result was Kamon's light, an artifact created with the immense skill of Hvanmara to house a mote power of the Divine linked to the sun Gormallis and blessed by Sagosa herself. The artefact was said to continually emit light like that of the sun and that there were many powerful enchantments imbued within it, perfect for combatting the spawn of Hissh.     The light was given by Sagosa to Kamon, the king of Sparos, who immediately adopted it as his banner and marched to war with it held high above his newly invigorated host.    The appearance of the light sparked the beginning of a counterattack deep into the territory claimed by the Vampires, with Kamon's army marching to the very foot of the walls of Vonstorm, the newly proclaimed capital of what the Vampires were starting to call Ymeris.   However, despite the light's power and the advantage it gave the Elves over the Vampires, Kamon's forces were still slowly, but surely being worn down by the undead host of Ymeris. Eventually, Kamon was forced to begrudginly break the siege of Vonstorm and retreat back to Penelionar so that his forces could recover and replenish. But, as the Elves withdrew, the dead followed in their wake.    In a last ditch attempt to defend his capital, Kamon had a special chamber constructed at the top of the tallest tower in his palace, from which Kamon's Light could shine out across the city and the surrounding landscape and keep the Vampires at bay.    For a time this succeeded in stopping the undead horde, keeping them from crossing into the valley of the Dragons' Tears Mountains at the head of which Penelionar had been built. However, unbenownst to Kamon, his own sister, Lysimicha was corrupted by the Vampires, and convinced to betray him.    In a foul abyssal ritual, Lysimicha swathed Kamon's light in smothering magic from the lower planes of existence, blotting out its light and allowing the horde of Ymeris to tear up the valley and destroy Penelionar and the last vestiges of the once great nation of Sparos.   Kamon's light is said to still lie, where Kamon left it, high up in its tower observatory in the royal palace at Penelionar, but that great, beautiful city is now an accused ruin in the territory of Ymeris a place few dare to tread.
by Chris Pyrah
Kamon's Light
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Kamon's Light is a unique item.
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Cover image: by Chris Pyrah


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Aug 4, 2024 16:12 by Chris Burson

Nice Article, Always interesting to read about Power and Betrayal to counter the power. I like how your links to other articles are inside the primary text. something I think I need to learn how to do.

Aug 5, 2024 10:45 by C J Pyrah

Thanks, I appreciate that!