The Divine War
The Conflict
The Divine War began shortly after the Slaying of Prota. With the first divine being dead, a power vacuum quickly emerged amongst the various deities, as they tried to work out who was responsible for Prota's death, and who should take his place as the ruler of the other Divines and through this become the de facto ruler of the world. What began as a peaceful and reasoned discussion quickly descended into anarchy as it became apparent that the deities were split as to which of the two most senior of their number and younger brothers of Prota, Astartes or Polephemon should succeed to the Divine Throne. Eventually, it was decided that the two should fight to see which was superior and Astartes, as the divine personification of war, felt that his place was assured, given the nature of his divine domain. Sure enough, when the two came to blows, though it was a hard fought battle and Polephemon fought bravely and savagely, it was clear that Astartes was close to winning. However, before either Polephemon could concede, or the winning blow could be struck, Astartes was struck on the back of the head and knocked senseless by a rock thrown by the god of Mischief and Trickery Lormaniss. Lormaniss deftly and swiftly made his escape and with his disappearance arguing broke out amongst the other deities. Some argued that Astartes had been about to win, and should therefore be crowned the victor, whilst others argued that this was not fair as Polephemon had not conceded and the fight had not been declared as over. A mass brawl broke out amongst the assembled deities, which sparked the increasingly aggressive confrontations that spiralled out of control into the Divine War.
Divine wars are awesome, and this one is quite cool. Very reminiscent of Greek mythos, which I think you were going for... One minor criticism "a group made up of the children of Astartes - Jore and Hvanmara and the children of Polephemon - Malfrost and Samenta did little ..." should have additional em dashes: "a group made up of the children of Astartes - Jore and Hvanmara - and the childen of Polephemon - Malfrost and Samenta - did little ...". You can also use parentheses. Again, I really like the tone of the article, how it makes the origin of a divine conflict very simplistic, borderline petty.
Thanks you, and thanks for the critique. It's amazing how you stop seeing mistakes after you've looked at something for long enough. Really appreciate the feedback.