Account on Talan Gilnorie Character in Keldonia | World Anvil

Account on Talan Gilnorie (Tal-an Gil-no-ri)

This article is part of a description of renowned shops in Sandborg: this piece focuses on Talan Gilnorie owner of a luxury magic shop. All undertakings in this account were done by Kasbin Leysin.

Mr. Gilnorie

Mr. Gilnorie is a most charming high elf from the Sun Islands. When I first contacted him about the interview he was engaging from the very start.  

The Meeting

The shop front was rather modest, with nothing but a wood door and a single candlelight floating atop the doorframe, to attract one's curiosity. After tentatively knocking on the shop’s front door, I had to wait barely a few seconds before the door swung open and I could enter the little shop. Warmth flooded me as I set foot inside, and despite the door readily opening for me, the honored shopkeeper was nowhere in sight. The room I had entered was small, in a quaint way, the floor was polished dark wood, and the room clean, near the back was a tall bar counter.
Not a few moments passed before Mr. Gilnorie walked out from a backroom to greet me. His golden locks were put up into a ponytail, which trailed down his back, and only highlighted his tall and lean stature. Two locks of loose hair framed his slender face, imperial with high, sharp cheekbones, and a straight nose.
Mr. Gilnorie's piercing blue eyes were further highlighted by a clean and sharp golden eyeliner, which color matched the rest of his outfit. Golden teardrop earrings, a small gold chain he wore as a diadem across the forehead, and a gold necklace with a single pendant, a ruby, the color of ripe bloodberries. His long silky robes were golden, all tied together with a broad red belt.   He flashed a smile at seeing me and, to my surprise, immediately ducked back out of the room. I did not have time to call after the shopkeeper before he again walked back into the shop, now carrying a silver tray with two cups, a jug, and a plate of cookies.
"I wondered when I was to expect you", he said with a friendly smile, before again disappearing.
"Excuse me for a brief moment, when I return you will have my unshared attention", he yelled from somewhere deeper in the building, before reappearing with a smile, arms carrying two long-legged chairs. He placed one of the chairs on my side of the bar counter, while he himself took a seat on the other side. He started to pour hot chocolate into the two mugs he had carried with him. He gave me a wink as he slid one of the mugs over to me.
"Thank you for finding time for my interview, Mr. Gilnorie", I said to the shopkeeper, who took a sip of his chocolate. He waved a hand before him in dismissal as he sat down his drink.
"It's my pleasure to have you darling, no need to thank me", he gently pushed the plate of cookies toward me and picked one up himself. "What kind of questions were you looking to ask". I took a cookie from the plate and dug out my pen and pencil, ready to begin.  

The Interview


The Shop

I always like starting with the shop itself, therefore my first questions are on this topic.   Mr. Gilnorie, you've had this shop for quite some time. When did you first open this establishment, and why open it here? In Sandborg?
Yes, I've run this business for some time, haven't I? I can't remember the exact opening date, but I think we are soon to have the shop's 40th anniversary. Please, take another. [Mr. Gilnorie gestured to the cookies and took another himself]. And why this city? [He nodded to himself and took a small bite].
People... people in this city appreciate craftsmanship. In the capital people just look to buy whatever's more expensive, but here- here people don't look at the price, rather, they look at the item. They care about the piece, not their bragging privileges from spending money on the piece.
— Talan Gilnorie
  I found this a very agreeable point and a convincing argument. However, I could not expel the feeling, that this was not the singular reason why Mr. Gilnorie opened shop here. Something in his engaging yet guarded blue eyes told me he was withholding information.
True, but surely some people in Azmarin also pay attention to craftsmanship, no other reason to set up here?
You have quite the insightful eye, no, no it's fine [he put his hands up to stop me as I was about to apologize for my comment]. You are correct of course. We also opened a shop here because Sandborg is known to be a way-point city. No matter where you are going in the Empire, you are bound to pass through, and travelers pay quite well.
— Talan Gilnorie
  This answer caught my attention. My ear focused on the we because to my knowledge, Mr. Gilnorie alone ran the shop. Was it an old business relation gone sour? Or something entirely else? I could not control my curiosity, but now damn myself to the nine hells for not holding my tongue.
My apologies, Mr. Gilnorie, you said "we opened the shop", did you have a business partner before taking on work alone?
Me and my wife opened the shop together, she's... gone.
— Talan Gilnorie
  His smile tightened and for a fraction of a second, his breath caught in his throat. I gave him my condolences and I could hit myself for my untactful question. Mr. Gilnorie gave me a nod of thanks and asked me to continue the interview, which I did, now with more caution.   What might customers buy at your establishment? What can they expect to find, and- if not too brash of me, what might be the expected economic cost of a visit to your shop?
All sorts of things – most of them magical in nature [his usual smile back on his face]. Magic items are what most people seek at my shop, though I also make potions, and in some cases even take on commission work, if the coin is right. As for pricing [he gave a sly smile], that depends entirely on what you're seeking. I won't give a number, but if you know anything about the market for magical items, you will be able to find a fair price at my establishment.
— Talan Gilnorie
  I myself have no insight into what a "fair price" might entail, but I can assure you as his eyes met my own, and I read the emotion in them, that Mr. Gilnorie was quite honest in his answers. As far as the magic-market goes, his prices are as fair as any others.    

The Shopkeeper

Now I turn from the establishment and to Mr. Gilnorie himself. I was tentative in approaching this topic due to my previous misstep, but Mr. Gilnorie was nothing but pleasant, and he quickly made me at ease and assured me that no question I could ask him would upset him more than his friends did on daily basis.   So, with Mr. Gilnorie's reassuring words, I ventured forth with my interview.   Now we have talked a bit about the shop, I would like to ask you a few questions about... well, you. You said the shop’s soon celebrating its 40th anniversary, but what did you do before the shop?
Before the shop? [He laughed and took a drink of his cup]. A lot happened before the shop. I traveled for a time and met some interesting people. Before that I studied at the Sun Islands, magic, and the like.
— Talan Gilnorie
  He kept his answer short, and I decided not to dig any further, instead, I moved to the next question.
Does the shop take up a lot of your time? And what do you do when you're not in the shop? Do you have any leisure activities you like to participate in?
Leisure activities? [His smile turned playful, and I could not hide my blush at his tone]. Well, darling, I have many leisure activities I like to partake in. But first, you asked about work? I guess it depends on the week. Some weeks I do nothing but work, other weeks I am lucky if I get a single customer. [The smile returned]. Back to leisure, I like to spend time with people, though the shop does take up most of my time, I still go out now and then- [He sat up a bit straighter as if he just remembered something]. During the past weeks, I've started going to a weekly book club, the books are not always the most... interesting, but it's always a delight to be there.
— Talan Gilnorie
  Trying to distract from my reddening face I quickly started asking my next question, talking faster than before. Which, in hindsight only added to my embarrassed appearance.
Book club you say. Is this held with the aforementioned friends that upset you daily, or is it your old traveling companions who started this initiative?
[He started laughing]. I would like to see that! The five of us meeting and reading books. [Another burst of laughter, my own smile broadened in response to his laughter]. No, it's not my traveling companions, that would be the day... [his smile tightened, and his eyes turned cold, he paused before continuing]. It's not the upsetters either [his eyes softened with mention of these]. It's a whole other group, very pleasant company, and never once have any of them brought me secondhand flowers.
— Talan Gilnorie
  His tone turned sour when he mentioned the flowers, and I could not stop my tongue.
You don't like receiving flowers, Mr. Gilnorie?
Why do you ask, planning to bring me some? [His smile was fond and playful, and before I could explain or control my blush, he continued]. I am quite fond of flowers, and even more when being gifted them, however, I do not appreciate when people dumb flowers with me, because they received a bouquet they did not appreciate, and then thought to gift them to me instead. I am quite fond of flowers when I am the intended receiver. [He paused for a second]. You might want to note this down, darling, I find tulips boring, just so you know. [He winked and refilled my cup].
— Talan Gilnorie
  I made the note. And then moved on to the final topic for this interview.  

Last Remakrs

With this final question, I like for the shopkeepers to give a good reputation for another shop in the city, put a good word in for a friend.
This is my final question Mr. Gilnorie, after that, I will stop annoying you and leave you to enjoy the rest of your day. Do you have a favorite establishment in Sandborg, perhaps someplace to recommend? Other than your own shop of course.
I said the last part with a half-smile.
Darling, you are welcome to annoy me all day. [He winked at me, and... you guessed it, I blushed]. A place I like to go? Well, there is the The Leaping Salamander, it's the best Inn in the entire city – if not the entire Empire. Maybe, for our next interview, I could take you there?
— Talan Gilnorie
  I did not tell him that this was the only interview I had scheduled, instead, I nodded.
Old enough.
I am not bound by society's view on gender norms. Whoever dare to suggest I am not slaying this eyeliner are lying miscreants.
I have had them described as strikingly blue; some even say mesmerizing.
Luscious and long golden blond locks.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light skin with golden undertone.
192 cm
Now... that is truly an indecent question.
I want to try a bit of everything. I'm not picky.


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