Agrippa, Shield of the Crown Character in Kelkanor | World Anvil
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Agrippa, Shield of the Crown

Shield of the Crown Agrippa Storm (Stripped)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Agrippa saved prince Anduin Wrynn when he was a child from an assassination attempt led by a group of orcs with a vendetta against the Stormwind royal family. Agrippa received a vision in his sleep and awoke storming into the prince's chambers without his armour on and slew the attackers with a shield he took from the prince's chambers. The prince thanked him and covered Agrippas face honouring the man who saved him strange tradition.    For this Agrippa was gifted weapons from the Wrynn vault; Honours Last Stand and Ruins Wake. With these artefacts Agrippa was charged with the protection of Varian's beloved only son; Prince Anduin. Since this day Agrippa has acted as the Prince's personal bodyguard the only member of The Sons of Darnath to be given this duty.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Saving of Prince Anduin
  • Slayed Ygdra the Dragon of Redridge
  • Wielder of Ruins Wake and Honours Last Stand
  • Runner up in the Grand TOurney melee

Personality Characteristics


To protect and serve the Wrynn family. nothing is known of his origins, but what is known that when the King of Stormwind was a mere teenager he was lost in Elwynn FOrest on a hunting trip and was brought back to his father by a young man wrapped in cloth and bandages. King Llyane knighted the young man for saving his son and ever since he has trained as a ward under the Wrynn family until eventually becoming a member of the Sons of Darnath.    His Motivations are a mystery but he defends the crown with righteousness even inquisitors rarely show.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
25/08/401 p.d.
Year of Birth
401 47 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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