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Fallow Harbour

The town of Fallowharbor is located in a Valley lead-ing towards the coast. The town itself spills like the tide toward the coast of the shattering sea beyond. Its buildings are awash with greystone a sign of years of salt spray from the ocean. Many homes dot the town each with its own history and character, the architecture is typical of the Stormwind, similar to that of 12th century Europe; stone buildings no more than 2 storeys, small windows and Arches with wooden shutters. What does grab everyone's attention is Fallowharbors 3 most important structures viewable from anywhere within the town.   The docks stretch nearly a mile into the ocean you can see the original docks built with a strange green-stone similar to Serpentine, however, the stone leeks and inky substance which country to its oily look and texture actually acts as a gripping agent making it useful for the dock workers. Further out the docks take on a traditional wooden aesthetic using floats and various magics to stretch well over a mile into the sea. Making their way from the docs most new arrivals see the two tallest structures. The Castle of Lord and Lady Whitegate which is made of similar greenstone to that of the docks bleeding its inky liquid from 4 vicious-looking Spires. And the Church of the 7, a Dome with 7 arches, each arch has a sigil for one of the 7 gods of the Hepostrist pantheon. From each of these arches, A small hallway leads to one of 7 large towers each of which is devoted to a member of the pantheon. Each tower is made from a different stone representing the God it is devoted to. This is the coastal town of Fallowharbor


Fallow Harbour is the domain of the Whitegate family since the time of Darnath the 1st and its current ruler is Lady Elanor Whitegate. The Lordship is responsible for the entirety of the Fallowcoast taxing of its many settlements and settling disputes between lesser nobles and larger businesses. The Whitegates employ a mayor who deals with the common folk and general administration of their regime. A council of commonfolk represents the people's interest to the Mayor who conveys this to Lady Whitegate.


The Docks

"The docks are highly commercialised, with Cranes lifting heavy goods from ships moored up, hundreds of sailors, labourers and administrators going about their daily routines. Moving crates filled with goods from across the sea, issuing dock passes to captains, and making their way further Into Fallowharbor for revelry after a long voyage. The docks themselves are a maze of Dockyards, Warehouses, and Boarding houses for sailors." - Brialair the Fartraveler
  8 specific docks make up the whole harbour. Each of these docks is owned by a company most of which are local to Fallowharbor. Each dock has a dockmaster assigned to handle the paperwork for new arrivals, which is used to tax the companies appropriately. Each company has a harbour master but Whitegates employ a Harbour Master for the whole dock who sees over all the other Harbour masters. The current Whitegate Harbour Master is Cylus, an old war veteran from the recent war with Auora. The Docks employ a unique security force, hired by Lady Whitegate to ensure commerce Isn't disrupted. These guards are known as "Anchors" as they are Identified by a white Anchor brooch which holds up a sea-green sash. They tend to not get involved with fights between sailors to let them work out differences but will Intervene If these brawls get too out of hand.  

Dock Companies

There are 8 companies that have built up Fallowharbors' Harbour over the years. each of these companies owns several ships and at least one dry dock to maintain their vessels. These companies have a lot of sway In the town’s council as without them Fallowharbor would barely be regarded as a village let alone an economic powerhouse for the kingdom.  
  • Griffin 'n' Garb: A textile Importer, bringing goods from the Asheq stronghold In the Shattering Sea. They own 3 ships; "The Disappointing Bee", "The Green Lady" & "The Griffin". They operate 1 dry dock.
  • Red Cog: A primary exporter of artisanal goods such as weapons, alcohol and leather works. they have trade routes to the western coast of Kelkanor with the dwarves of that region, as well as stopping at Neverwinter and Highbridge. They own 4 ships all of which have red sails; "The Red Stallion", "The Kegel", "The Blue Stallion", & "The Black Lagoon". they own 1 dry dock.
  • Prime Cog: A rival company to the Red Cog dealing In similar exports, mainly with Aoura, but have recently obtained contracts to ship to Gilnaes and Buracor. They own 5 ships; "The Mary Celest", "The Doki", "The Chonker", "The Red Dragon", & "The Pine Eye". They own 1 dry dock.
  • Aquilla: The 2nd Largest company In Fallowharbor, They specialise In elven silks and wines, dwarven ales and metal works, and often procures of rare goods such as mithril or exotic animals. they own 8 large vessels In Fallowharbor; "The Kings Courier", "The Vices Spices", "The Boaty McBoat Face", "The Stars Eye", "the Manticore", "The Dragons Wing", "The Turtle Haunter", & "The Wings of Freedom". They own 3 dry docks.
  • Sandals Kite: A grain shipper passing grain to Stormwind from the farms on the Fallow Coast. They own 2 ships; "The Wheat Whale", & "The Hope". They own 1 dry dock, which was a gift from King Varian Wrynn a few years ago.
  • 9 Cloud Goods: A general goods Importer bringing goods from the Shattering Sea and Kelkanors Eastern Coast. They own 9 ships; "The Vestel Cloud", "The Willow Master", "The Giants Bay", "The Gull", "The Garber", & "the Serpents Tail". They own 2 dry docks.
  • Splyces Speed: A fast delivery company operating from Fallowharbor to the Islands In the Shattering Sea, using a mixture of magic and science to increase the speed of their ships. They Have 7 Ships; "The Harlot", "The Green Monster", "The Marble Gear", "The Tempest", "The Windy Fan", "The Windrunner", & "The Nautical Note". They own 3 dry docks.
  • Titan Exports: The Largest Goods traders, Importing and exporting just about everything from textiles, to food, to weapons. Currently, they attempting to buy out the smaller companies and keep their stranglehold on the docks. They own 12 ships; "The Oow Woo", "The Webbed Misstress", "The Titan", "The Trawler", "The Rolling Cripple", "The Sparrow", "The Eagle", "The Hawk", "The Daily", "The Anker", "The Sky Skipper", & "The Aquarius". They own 4 dry docks.
With so many companies open for business, the economy of Fallow Harbor has boomed, after all, competition breeds Injinuity which leads to more profits. However, the larger companies use underhanded tactics to keep on top, sometimes sending thugs to burn warehouses of new upcoming business to keep their status.  

The Tri-Mile

  The Tri-Mile is a 3 mile long 20 foot wide black stone road, that leads from the docks to the High District. This highway through the town is like the town's veins that allows its lifeblood to flow through unimpeded. The road was built by those who came before the humans of the area and is made of the same black stone that the dockyard is made from, oozing its black gripping oil means any merchant is happy to travel through Fallowhorbour and therefore is responsible for the towns growing reputation as a trade hub on the eastern coast of Kelkanor.  

Shoggoth Square

"Surrounding the Tri-Mile are the bouroughs that make up the Commons, a nest of make shift wooden homes stacked upto 3 storeys high. but In the centre the current of people make their way to the the largest market you have probably ever laid your eyes on. A giant market square with a sprawl of market stalls selling all kinds of goods, sellers yelling over one anotherr trying to gain customers, for those make there way to the centre of the square a strange memorial can be found carved from a singular slab of granite" - Brialair the Fartraveler
  The square Is made from cobblestone, and has hundreds of market stalls crammed Into the square, smells of fresh food and baked goods, tomes of arcane knowledge from far off lands, Intricate garments of Silk and Velvet, fine metal works and even If you look hard enough unsavoury services for the more roguish clients. In the Centre of this giant market is a strange granite slab not native to the area, it's carved with a dead language that scholars long ago gave up trying to translate.


Taverns & Boarding Houses

The Docks

  • The Snorting Seagull - A tavern located In the middle of the docks, made from an old Galley vessel. Owned by Steve the Once Upon a Captain; a bald leather-skinned human with a spruce moustache talks a little piratey.
  • The Anchor - An Inn located on the shore, built Into the docks with the Oily Black Serpentine Stone, It has a large Anchor which acts as a fire pit In the centre of the Inn. Owned by Freddie Fiddle; a human with buck teeth and a think moustache.
  • Taliya's Boarding House - A boarding house for sailors, located on the outskirts of The Docks. It is a large wooden structure with enough rooms for 60 sailors. It is owned by Lady Whitegate but the manager Is Taliya Amber-smith; a half-elf woman, with short wavy hair, talks like an annoyed chav.

The Commons

  • The Elder Unicorn - A lovely tavern In the South Shoggoth borough. The Tavern Is known to the locals for Its Unicorn Wines which are rumoured to have been brewed with unicorn horn ground Into the grapes. It Is owned and ran by a 30-year-old female human called Tif.
  • Griffin Tankard Tavern - A good salt of the Earth Tav-ern, ran by three brothers who were all once sailors on the Griffin 'n' Garb vessel The Griffin; they opened up the tavern after they made a lot of money from a shipwreck treasure they didn’t share with the crew. The Tavern Is located In the North Shoggoth borough and known for Its gryphon shaped tankards.
  • Brians Inn - The Inn Is located In the Widowford District and usually caters to Sailors who arent local but want a better place to sleep than the ship; so usually captains of visiting vessels. Owned by Brian David Gilbert, but he Is blunt and says little.

The High District

  • The Toffee Hat - a frequently visited café by some nobles, that serves Cakes, fine wines & ales, strange teas and an assortment of posh lunch options. The waiters wear purple skirts and purple lace masks, adhering to high etiquette they are forbidden from directly addressing the clients, and come when summoned.


Shoggoth Square

  • Barty Butchers
  • Vinnys Valuables
  • Trader Toms
  • Margarets Menagerie
  • Angus Quality Armaments
  • Chisels 'R' Us
  • Flins Fletchery
  • Andrews Apothecary
  • Quentins Quarter Deck
  • Brens Brilliant Baubles
  • Gillians Garments
  • Gareth's Goods
  • Olivers Ostentatious Ornaments
  • Victors Vibrant Vestments
  • Marks Marks
  • Nigels Nauticle Nocks
  • Quintin's Quarter Deck
  • Madisons Main Mast

Guilds and Factions

Nobles of Fallowharbor

The Nobles of Fallowharbor are not considered high nobility by most of the Kingdom, the only High Nobles live In the larger Cities or can be found leading men Into battle with would-be Invaders. However, you would not tell a noble of Fallowharbor they are not better than the common rabble, they get highly defensive thinking themselves Incredibly Important for the Kingdom for without them the Fallow Coast would turn Into disarray. There are 12 Nobel families, 13 Including the Whitegates. they are listed below.  
  • House Arden
  • House Beaumont
  • House Seymour
  • House Swinton
  • House Woodville
  • House Falkenstien
  • House Harrach
  • House La Marck
  • House Schwarzburg
  • House Schwarzenburg
  • House Van Der Noot
  • House Sforza
  These houses all make their money from the trade of Fallowharbor, some rely on the Companies of which they have put great Investment, others own businesses which peddle the wares that are brought Into the town, others own trade caravans that are based In the city, and more than one of the families has fingers In all these pies.  
Noble Intentions
Most of the Nobles act as though they wish to see the town grow and prosper, but the moment a prominent trader starts to make a living they usually send some of the goons hired from the Yao'Gal borough, to prepare an "accident", where unfortunately their warehouse burned down or In the worst cases the upstart tripped and was Impaled on several blades… covered In poison… and twisted Into their heart… you know an accident.  

The Anchors

The Docks employ a unique security force, hired by Lady Whitegate to ensure commerce Isn't disrupted. These guards are known as "Anchors" as they are Identified by a white Anchor brooch which holds up a sea-green sash. They tend to not get involved with fights between sailors to let them work out differences but will Intervene If these brawls get too out of hand  

The Order of the Kraken

The Order of the Kraken is a small Order of knights typically helping trading vessels as hired protection. Each of these knights is anointed by Korag and make a pact through him to the Kraken, this pact empowers their weapons allowing them similar powers to that of Korag. These knights are all pact of the blade warlocks. Lead by Knight Commander, Korag a Half-Orc Warlock who founded the order of knights to protect his home town of Fallow harbour, after pirate raids into the mainland sacked many villages on the coast. Korag was born in Swinegate but grew up in Fallow harbour after the first pirate raids burned most of his village down. The Order is named after Korags patron, simply known as the Kraken. No one knows who or what the Kraken is but most know that Korag met the beast while returning from the war with Aoura and was left shipwrecked. Since then Korag has had strange abilities binding his weapons to magically serve him, being able to summon his weapon at will with a splash of seawater. Korags knights wear Kraken like helmets and typically wield a variety of Axes, Shields, Harpoons and Heavy Crossbows. Korag is the only member currently home in Fallow Harbour, residing on his newly completed ship in dry dock; The Red Kraken. This ship is a large War Cog with red sails and a red-painted deck. A few of Korags knights signed up with The White Stag Adventuring Company and haven’t returned since they went with some other new hires to the Old temple ruins.

Members of the Knights of the Kraken:

  • Knight-Commander Ser Korag (Half-Orc)
  • Ser Coal (Human)
  • Ser Markz (Half-Orc)
  • Ser Bonom (Human)
  • Ser Jones (Human)
  • Ser Plant (Human)
  • Ser Ulrich (Hill-Dwarf)
  • Ser Page (Human)
Alternative Name(s)
Fallow Town
Large town


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