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The Deceiver / The Dragon Queen / The Serpent of 5

The Evil Dragon Queen is a terrifying god of greed and rage. While her major worshippers are the chromatic Dragons whose mysterious origins are unknown, but speculation suggests they hail from Tiamat and her fall from Bahamut's side, she also accepts worship from mortals who wish to wage war and hoard wealth. What is known that while Most Chromatic dragons show her great reverence not many out right worship the Dragon Queen, but their worship is more of a subservience to her power innately built into all chromatic dragons.    The Deceiver's hatred for the Platinum Dragon dates back to her fall from his grace, and her cults are ever hunted by his servants who swear to uphold his justice and wage war on the unjust of this world. Her worship was for centuries limited to her children the Chromatic Dragons, but quickly with her children's power growing and their influence over the mortals in turn growing the worship passed from her children to those they ruled over and spread through mortals who look for ways to hoard their own wealth and destroy those in their path to get it.   Tiamat is often depicted in her places of worship and in places of Bahamuts worship, as a massive Dragon with 5 heads one of each of the Chromatic colours, her enormous wings trailing behind a streak of all the elements sowing destruction where ever she travels.

Divine Domains

Trickery and War

War has many manifestations. It can make heroes of ordinary people. It can be desperate and horrific, with acts of cruelty and cowardice eclipsing instances of excellence and courage. In either case, the gods of war watch over warriors and reward them for their great deeds. The clerics of such gods excel in battle, inspiring others to fight the good fight or offering acts of violence as prayers. Tiamat represents the power that comes from waging war, her worship is fuelled from the acts of Cruelty for cruelties sake, the tricks one plays on people to cause them harm, and most of all the wealth one can amass by taking it from their enemies.

Tenets of Faith

  • Amass wealth, and spend little. The gold, and the power that comes with it, is sufficient reward.
  • Do not forgive nor forget an indignity to yourself. Let no affront go unpunished.
  • Take what you cover. Those without the strength to defend their dominion are not worthy to have dominion.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tiamat's history is not entirely documented but scholars within Hepostrist Church have a semblance of what happened in the age of gods. Tiamat was originally the concubine of Bahamut a beautiful Dragon whose scales formed a beautiful rainbow of Chromatic colours; red, blue, white, black and green scales. Tiamat would fly across the lands a symbol of the force of war that was Bahamut, she would raise kingdoms, destroy the armies of fallen gods and break the land when it could not be saved.    Tiamat showed no interest in the spoils of war at first for millennia she left hoards of treasure, artefacts and even the faithful masses who tried to worship her alone, however, eventually she received whispers that would slowly start to manipulate her. At Tiamat started keeping the faithful mortals who she freed from tyrants in Bahamuts name; for why shouldn't they be allowed to convert to her might and serve her for she was an extension of her love Bahamut. Then she kept the artefacts, for if the mortals had these powerful weapons and items they would surely harm themselves. And for the longest time she left it there, the whispers couldn't convince her to take gold, the treasures the mortals lusted for was too beneath a servant of Bahamut, however, eventually Tiamat caved to the pressure of these strange whispers, and she took to hoarding gold sending her worshippers out to take more from the mortals.    It is not known how long it took for Bahamut to find out or how long it took him to act, but what is known is when the Platinum Dragon found out of Tiamat greed and how she allowed the mortals to worship her instead of himself Bahamut snapped. The Battle between the lovers is not recorded but surely was one of awful power, Tiamat managed to escape much to the rage of Bahamut, she followed the whispers which led her to the realm of Asmodeus where she made her lair and over the centuries corrupted her once pure form turning into the now infamous 5 headed Dragon.   Tiamat and Bahamut have fought on several occasions throughout history each one never really gaining the upper hand on the other, but each a clear personification of war. Tiamat represents the greed and destruction of war, while Bahamut represents the law and justice that wars bring.
Divine Classification


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