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A Chaos Stone

Written by Loremaster Aemon

A Stone Shard Infused With Magical Energies   A Chaos Stone is a small sized Shard of blackish-purple stone embedded with reddish-purple crystal fragments. Mined from the deeps of The Underdark, these stone shards are infused with magical energies of a Chaotic nature, never Good, hardly Neutral, mostly Evil. You would never find a creature of Good Alignment with an item such as this.   To be within 50ft of this item a creature of Good or Neutral Alignment must make a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw with Disadvantage to succeed. A creature of an Evil Alignment would suffer no ill effects from this item.   On a Fail, Your mind is possessed with a Chaotic Rage. You will Attack anything within range with Disadvantage and Take 12 (3D8) Necrotic Damage each round until a Save is made. Once a Save is achieved you have one level of Exhaustion and collapse Prone but are Immune to the stone's effects for the next 24 hours. After the lapsed 24 hours, if you come in contact with a Chaos Stone again you will have Advantage on the Saving Throw.   On a save there is no possession of rage, just damage to the psyche Taking 8 (3D8) Necrotic Damage, then the creature is Immune to the stone's effects for the next 24 hours.    

How to Damage & Destroy

  A Chaos Stone is not that easy to destroy: firstly you must penetrate the AC 18 (Armour Class) rolling a combined total of nineteen (19) or more on a D20 plus any bonus modifiers. Next a roll of sixteen (16) or more is needed on the Damage Die, this is to penetrate the outer layer of the item, this is known as Threshold Damage. If the Damage die is fifteen (15) or under no actual damage is made upon the Stone, but if sixteen (16) or more is rolled, then a second Damage roll is made, this amount is then taken off of the Hit Point Total which is thirty two (32hp).         *** Unfinished ***
Item type
Raw Material
A Stone Shard of natural creation infused by magical energies of The Underdark  




Activation within a 50ft radius  

Magical Properties

Possesses the mind with a Chaotic Rage Inflicts 12 (3D8) damage each round  


Rock Shard embedded with crystal fragments  



Hit Points

15 (Threshold Damage) 32

Cost/Base Price

Rare, can start in price from 2,000gp


Small, 6 Inches in diameter  


Light, 3lbs


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