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Bah Diht

A moderately large city on Tavanni, Bah Diht has a... reputation, both among the native ovoors and off-worlders. Located on the edge of the Fields of Eredittu, Bah Diht houses many hunters, who make use of the enormous grasslands and its high population of large herbivores. These hunters naturally attracted other hunters, from elsewhere on the planet, who traveled to Bah Diht to hunt for food to bring back home, especially when food was scarce locally.   By the time Tavanni became known to the greater galaxy, and off-worlders begun to visit, Bah Diht had gotten established as a city for hunters. Not just for food, but for trophy hunters, for fun, or even for the thrill of the hunt. Local culture had adjusted to this reputation, with festivals and celebrations centered around the hunt.   While some off-worlders found Bah Diht distasteful, the way they celebrate the death of animals, others take far more interest. Predatory species find it especially interesting, and countless members of the more hunt-oriented species travel to Bah Diht to participate in the hunt, and the celebrations around it.


None, except the natural defense of lying near a river.


Bah Diht counts five districts: a fishing district, a market district, an administrative district, an industrial district, and the hunter's district. All districts are open to wanderers, although most stick to the hunter's district and the market.


Bah Diht is very popular as a touristic location... among the right people. For people interested in the hunt, it is infamous, a must-see for its hunting-centric culture and countless thematic celebrations. For those people, Bah Diht is a popular destination, staying in the hunter's district with their fellow hunters, both locals and other tourists. For those less interested in the hunt, the city holds little interest.


Located on a temperate grassland far inland, Bah Diht experiences a stable temperate climate. It has four equally long seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. It experiences rain in all seasons but especially spring, and snow in all seasons except summer, but mostly during winter. It rarely experiences extreme weather.

Natural Resources

Bah Diht has access to plenty of trees from nearby woodlands, and wood is thus a commonly used resource, and has been for a long time. Some crops are farmed nearby, but they are relatively few. Some animals can be taken from the nearby river, with a fishing-centric district set up.   But Bah Diht's most populous resource is, by far, the large herbivores living on the nearby Fields of Eredittu. A source of meat, leather, and fur, the animals are plentiful and ever-present.
Alternative Name(s)
City of the Hunt, City of Blood
Inhabitant Demonym
Bah Dihtians
Location under

Cover image: by DarkNymfa


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