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Fall of Haven

A prophecy foretold by several Magai during the Second Age, the Fall of Haven describes how Haven, the galactic capital, somehow gets reduced to a broken-down scrapheap, inhabited only by those too desperate and poor to leave.


Though multiple people foresaw the (supposed) end of Haven, their visions differed in scope and focus. The core of the prophecy remained the same, however. All of them saw a future Haven, falling apart and decaying as only city-planets can. It was broken-down, crumbling buildings like a post-apocalyptic vision, with the scant few people remaining struggling to survive, scavenging and salvaging among the scraps of what once was.

Historical Basis

Not a myth but a prophecy, the Fall of Haven is not rooted in the past, but in the future. The end of the galactic capital, which saw the city-planet turn into the decayed corpse of itself that these Magai saw, was waiting in the future, beyond what most Magai would live to see. During the Third Age, after the Coalition had dealt with the Magai, they moved their base of operations elsewhere. As they moved, so did the galactic capital, following this root of power, and thus Haven fell to the side, abandoned and left to its own devices.


The Fall of Haven was not a commonly shared story, with the prophecy itself only seen by a few Magai over the course of centuries. With Haven blossoming around them, the prophecy was mostly dismissed, reduced to a nightmare, or sometimes repackaged into a ghost- or horror story.

In Literature

Several Magai have written down their prophetic visions across the ages, including some who foresaw the Fall of Haven. In turn, some others have written stories or poems based on these visions. Still, the number of these stories was fairly low, with the vision itself often dismissed as unlikely, and the topic depressing. Most, if not all, records of these old prophecies has been lost with the fall of the Magai themselves.
Date of First Recording
Second Age
Date of Setting
Related Ethnicities
Related Locations

Cover image: by DarkNymfa


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