Kurlilhup (/kurˈlilhup/)
The Kurlihup, also known as sea-people, are a closed culture of niskhi. The inhabitants of Surlalsahu, they live a nomadic life in their floating city, and while they're very open to interacting with outsiders, they rarely let them settle permanently.
Originating on a small island, the early Kurlihup maintained a port city, offering trade and an opportunity to rest for sea-bound travelers. When their island began flooding, however, and even their high-stilted houses begun to be threatened by the ever-rising water, they were left with two options. The Kurlihup could try to boat away, finding a new place to settle and rebuild... or they could make their entire city float.
These days, they are a traveling city, moving across the planet's oceans. Though they are typically on the move, they will also sometimes settle to gather resources from the seafloor, or to spend more time near other niskhi settlements. They partake in a lot of trade, but the city also still maintains its ports, should ships wish to dock to the traveling city.
Major language groups and dialects
The Kurlilhup speak a creole language, developed naturally from several (major) other niskhi languages, and countless other languages besides. As a traveling city which participates in a lot of trade, speaking the languages of many other people is a necessity.
Average technological level
Equal to niskhi average; thanks to trading, they can catch up on technological advances made by other people fairly easily. They even act as something of an equalizing group, carrying the advances of one group to other niskhi.
Foods & Cuisine
As suggested by their water-bound city, Kurlilhup cuisine has fairly heavy emphasis on food they can gather from the ocean itself. Though they have farms as part of the city, and even keep livestock, non-ocean meat is a rare delicacy. While most niskhi prefer to be mostly carnivorous, the Kurlilhup maintain a steadily omnivorous diet. They also rely on their species' powerful digestive system, allowing them to digest almost all parts of almost all food items: they don't believe in wasting parts of plants of animals, but eat as much of it as they can.
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