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Magai rest station

Designed for the Magai, but accessible to all, Magai rest stations (or simply rest stations for short) are large space stations found mostly on the edges of known space. Exact designs vary, in part because of their staggered purchases as the need for them grew, but they all serve the same purpose.   Rest stations, as their name suggests, offers traveling Magai a safe place to rest among the less known--or even completely unknown--reaches of outer space. Here, they can settle down, refuel (both themselves and their ships), resupply, have mechanics and engineers look over their ships, and even receive medical attention.   However, while it is intended primarily for Magai use, they in no way limit who can make use of it. Rest stations are open for any traveler, and its services typically cheap or even free, depending on what is needed, with medical attention especially accessible.


The first rest stations were built early in the Second Age, when exploration was a major interest across the galaxy, and Magai readily involved. As time went on, the known galaxy grew, and so did the number of Magai traveling through it. And thus, the number of rest stations also needed to increase, spaced out far and wide, where they could best serve their people, as well as any other travelers relying on their services.   The transition to the Third Age was a rough one. Many of the Magai stationed on rest stations refused to give up their posts, feeling that their service to the galaxy was more important than their own safety. In some stations, their coworkers hid them among their number, while on others they were kicked out against their own wishes--for their own safety, or out of fear from those they worked with. Other stations were entrusted to non-Magai workers, in the hopes of keeping the stations running even without Magai support. Some managed, with or without the Magai. Others did not.
Alternative Names
Rest station, Pit Stop
Megastructure, Trans-orbital
Owning Organization

Cover image: by DarkNymfa


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