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New Stavari

A medium-sized planet discovered late in the Second Age, New Stavari is a life-bearing planet with galactic-standard atmosphere, but no native sapient population. As a result, it has become somewhat popular as a location for settlers looking to carve out a new existence, no matter how rough their new home might still be.   Notably, New Stavari is also popular as a refuge planet among Magai, for many of the same reasons. The planet was still drawing in settlers, be it as loners or as small groups, and so incoming Magai didn't stand out. And with how little of the planet was settled yet, Magai could easily withdraw into the wilderness, only emerging to interact with other people or larger settlements when needed.   Of course, as the Third Age progressed and the settlements grew, so did their connections to the local Magai. Not all of them stayed, and not all those who remained survived, but those who did, often found themselves increasingly connected to the settlements with which they most often interacted. Slowly but surely, they were drawn back into civilization, no longer feared, but accepted for who they were and what they could do.


As a young settler planet, New Stavari was inhabited almost entirely by people looking for opportunities. Poor (or sometimes middle-class) workers, used to working hard and taking care of themselves. People not afraid of getting their hands dirty, of needing to farm or forage or hunt their own food. Survivors, of countless species and ethnicities, bound together by a desire to find something better than they had.


New Stavari has no real government. The planet officially has an owner, but their identity is little known, and they have professed no interest in governing their planet. If people wish to settle there, making a living from New Stavari's resources... Well, they're more than welcome to.
National Territory
Inhabitant Demonym
(New) Stavarian

Cover image: by DarkNymfa


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