Vita overflow Physical / Metaphysical Law in Kelter | World Anvil
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Vita overflow

A natural occurence when too much Vita collects in one place, Vita overflows are unpredictable, and can be catastrophic. Though often associated with Saturation, they typically don't experience actual Vita overflows, although the results are similar.   A better example is Niskhisima (and especially Amhumap), a planet with an unbalanced Vita flow. On planets like Niskhisima, overflowing Vita can cause sudden and unpredictable outbursts of unguided magic, which may take any number of forms. That is what a Vita overflow is: a sudden outburst of magic, caused by overflowing Vita, uncontrolled and unguided. Most Satured Vita-Touched perform unguided magic, letting it flow naturally, but they rarely build up their Vita stored to the point of a true overflow. Still, the term is regularly used for them, too.


Vita overflows are characterized by their unpredictable manifestation. At its core, it is an uncontrolled and unguided outburst of magic, typically caused by free-flowing Vita. Often the magical effect is in some way visible--a massive outburst of flame, a lightning storm, a sudden cascade of water--but it can take any number of forms, just like actual guided magic. Vita overflows can even take the shape of Forbidden Magic, altering the emotional, mental, or even physical state of any nearby... often permanently.


Vita overflows can occur anywhere with Vita. Generally speaking, this covers the entire known universe. One notable exception is the First Age, when Progenitors were draining Vita from most of the galaxy, thus incidentally ensuring that there was not enough Vita to cause overflows (except, of course, in blind spots like Niskhisima).
Metaphysical, Arcane

Cover image: by DarkNymfa


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