The Treetop Roadways Technology / Science in Kelunbar Forest | World Anvil
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The Treetop Roadways

Before the abandonment of the Six Beings, when the forest of Kelunbar grew much larger, the Bumers had the ability to change how the forest grew around them. The would bend roots and branches, cause plants to grow larger or shrink smaller. Those advanced in the craft could even cause plants of differing species to grow together.   

The Roadways

With these abilities, the bumers created intricate roadways that connected the canopy of Kelunbar together. The bumers manipulated trunks and branches that could be walked up and down to go to the forest floor, or to the tree tops. Bumers would use these roadways to study the stars and travel across the forest quickly.  


When the Beings left, catastrophe struck: the forest collapsed, and many of the trees of Kelunbar Forest fell and died. These trees were integral to the road structures of the Bumers. With the abandonment of Abuno, Being of Life, the bumers lost their powers of plant manipulation as well.   Nothing like these vast pathways has ever been replicated, and bumers now remain much more solitary creatures, content to participate in small, local groves, and wonder the forest with little direction. The bumers who lamented the collapse of the roadways are gone now, the last one, Yulo-Gerit, dying in 1197.  
The destruction of the forest was the most devastating event I could have imagined. It's been a hundred and fifty years and I still do not understand the entirety of what we lost. I do know this: the loss of our roads was the loss of our beauty and glory. The other side of the forest still feels so far away, but even further feels the night sky.
Yulo-Gerit, 1192


When bumers could see so clearly into the night sky, they spent much of their time studying planetary movements and observing the six moons. They developed an astrological system called The Skydance that has since been mostly lost. There are remnants of its teachings, but they have been mostly bastardized by those using its ideas to justify poor behavior.  


The roadways allowed the bumers to travel much more quickly than simply navigating around the forest floor as they do today. With this, bumers were able to communicate with each other more quickly, and travel between groves faster, giving bumers more access to each others ideas.   One myth states that the bumers were even able to bend a sequoia over the Bodurn Mountains and so bumers were able to travel to whatever it is that lays beyond the mountains.

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Cover image: by Hans


Author's Notes

This article was originally created for World Anvil Summer Camp 2020 for the prompt: Write about a technology from the history of your world - is it lost to the ages, or did it shape the world today?

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Jul 28, 2020 10:48 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is so so sad. :( Poor bumers. I could really feel their pain in this article.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jul 28, 2020 21:35

Such a lovely idea. The destruction of the forest was a bit "unexplained" but I guess perhaps that's part of the issue/enigma? Is there a reason the bumers can no longer see the sky to stargaze? Are they not able to reach the canopy of single trees?

Jul 29, 2020 16:12 by Char Mulder

It's still a bit unclear to me as well, actually. I'm still working out the specifics on what happened when the deities (Beings) left Kelunbar and why they left. This is the first article I've done that did any kind of close look at what the world looked like beforehand.   Hmmm I'm think through the last question and I think I need to be more clear on that as well. I think probably a combination of lost knowledge, grief, and more difficulty to reaching clear skies.