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The Footman & The Maid

The Footman and the Maid are ethereal beings, fae attendants to Lady Florence Deshayes. With their luminous presence and impeccable efficiency, they flutter through the halls of any Zenite that requests their service, tending to every nook and cranny with a diligence unmatched. Though their primary role is to assist the Zenites in household tasks, their duties extend far beyond mere chores.   These enigmatic creatures, with their keen senses and otherworldly intuition, serve as more than just house servants; they are the vigilant eyes and ears of Lady Florence. Known for their ability to blend seamlessly into the shadows and eavesdrop on whispered conversations, they are adept spies, ever watchful for any signs of dissent among the Zenites. With a whispered word or a silent gesture, they relay any murmurs of doubt or trepidation directly to Lady Florence. Yet this dissent is rarely acted upon, seemingly...   Despite their role as informants, "The Footman and the Maid" are not mere instruments of surveillance. With a gentle touch and a reassuring smile, they offer solace to troubled souls and guidance to those in need. They're warm, friendly little creatures, and seem genuinely interested to learn more about the people they serve.   Though all of these little fae creatures are identical in appearance, the true amount of them is unknown.
  In Highstorm, city of shadows deep,
The Footman and the Maid don't sleep.
With eyes of silver, they roam the night,
Watching dutifully for the city’s delight.

  They tiptoe silent, through the halls,
Listening for the quiet calls.
They whisper secrets in the dark,
And leave no trace, not even a spark.

  But beware, little ones, lest it’s Meridian you sow,
For doubts of Zenith, they cannot grow.
Whispered worries, to the Footman they confide,
To the Maid they tell, and She'll not let them hide.

  Yet fret not, dear child, for their purpose is true,
To make you better, to guide and renew.
Speak your doubts freely, for they'll help you grow,
With their wisdom and care, the new world you'll surely know.
Current Location
Always covered
Pale white in sleek and clean styles
5" (12cm)


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