Ainu People
The Ainu are a tribal people native to Hokkaido and Sakhalin. The Ainu's lifestyle has been adapted to the cold snowy conditions of their home, and have maintained a very traditional lifestyle that has remained largely unchanged for hundreds of years.
- Ainu men are far more capable of growing substantial facial hair than other asian ethnic groups
- Ainu wear colorful patterned robes and headbands
- Ainu subsist primarily upon hunting and fishing rather than farming
- Ainu use temporary names for their children to ward off evil spirits. These names typically are vulgar and disgusting
- Ainu women have large mouth tattoos
- Ainu live in homes made of thatchy material with a fireplace hearth in the center
- Ainu have arranged marriages which are performed once a person becomes an adult
The Ainu are shamanistic animists who worship animal spirits called "Kamuy". Bears in particular hold the premier spot as the most revered animal. The Kamuy of bears is called "Kim-Un-Kamuy". In Rubetsu village, a Ainuu village near Iwagata Shrine is home to a legendary hero named Benkei who is believed to be descended from this bear kamuy.Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild