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Captain CR: 8

Medium ,
Armor Class: 18
Hit Points:
Speed: 40 ft


18 +4


20 +5


18 +4


16 +3


16 +3


20 +5

Saving Throws: DEX +9, CON +8
Skills: Perception +7, Performance +9, Persuasion +9
Challenge Rating: 8

Legendary Leadership Saves (3/day) - As a reaction the captain can apply a legendary save to any ally on the field   Combat Initiative - The captain automatically applies +2 to every ally's initiative on the field   Infectous Morale - Every ally on the field gains 5 hitpoints at the end of every one of the captain's turns


Multiattack - The captain makes one attack with his Type 14 or Katana, one use of Reinforcements, and one use of Encouragement   Type 14 - 1d6+5 piercing, +9 to hit, 60/240   Officer's Katana - 2d6+4 slashing, +9 to hit, melee   Reinforcements - The captain calls in a 2 CR unit from the Military section of the Monster Stat Blocks list. The unit appears within 30 feet of the captain, and rolls initiative   Encouragement - The captain grants a 1d8 inspiration die to an ally on the field. The inspiration die dissapears at the end of the unit's next turn if it is not used

Bonus Actions

Direct orders - The captain uses his bonus action to grant one ally an additional turn at the end of his own turn


Imposed Toughness - The captain can use his reaction to half the damage of a targeted attack made against an ally   Undying Loyalty - When an allied unit would drop to 0 hitpoints, the captain can use a reaction to instead change it to 1 hitpoints

An expert in leading in the field, the Captain has unrivaled leadership ability

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