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Chem Specialist

Chem Specialist CR: 2

Medium , any
Armor Class: 14
Hit Points: 40
Speed: 30 ft


14 +2


16 +3


14 +2


16 +3


14 +2


12 +1

Saving Throws: DEX +6, CON +5
Damage Immunities: Poison
Challenge Rating: 2

Gas Mask - Chem Trooper is immune to any gas or plague based attacks


Multiattack - The Chem Specialist makes two attacks, one with their Type 100, and another with a gas canister   Type 100 Hojo Submachine gun - 2d6+3 Piercing, +6 to hit, 80/320   DC 13

(1) Phosgene Gas (Light)


Very Rare

Each creature that starts its turn within the gas will take damage from chemical burns to the skin and lungs

DC = 8+Dex+Proficiency CON save, target takes half damage on a successful save

If a creature fails their save they will also incur a level of exhaustion

Radius - 10ft, expanding 5 feet every turn to a maximum of 20 feet

Duration - 10 minutes, or until wind is dispersed

A gas mask will completely neutralize the effects of the gas

Requires special weapons proficiency

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Ranged 6d8 Poison 60

  DC 13

(2) Mustard Gas (Light)



Each creature that starts its turn within the gas will take damage from chemical burns to the skin and lungs

DC = 8+Dex+Proficiency CON save, target takes half damage on a successful save

Duration - 10 minutes, or until wind is dispersed

Radius - 10ft, expanding 5 feet every turn to a maximum of 20 feet

A gas mask will completely neutralize the effects of the gas

Requires special weapons proficiency

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Ranged 6d6 Fire 60

  DC 13

(2) Tear Gas (Light)



Each creature that starts its turn within the gas will must make a saving throw. If the target fails their save they become blinded. The target can remake the save on the end of its turn

DC = 8+Dex+Proficiency CON save, target takes half damage on a successful save

Duration - 10 minutes, or until dispersed

Radius - 10ft, expanding 5 feet every turn to a maximum of 20 feet

A gas mask will completely neutralize the effects of the gas

Requires special weapons proficiency

  DC 13

(1) Tabun Gas (Light)


Very Rare

A deadly nerve agent that cuts off the body's ability to send signals from the brain, causing incapacitation and organ failure

Each creature that starts its turn within the gas will must make a saving throw. If the target fails their save they become paralyzed. The target can remake the save on the end of its turn

DC = 8+Dex+Proficiency CON save, target takes half damage on a successful save

Duration - 10 minutes, or until dispersed

Radius - 10ft, expanding 5 feet every turn to a maximum of 20 feet

A gas mask will completely neutralize the effects of the gas

Requires special weapons proficiency

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Ranged 5d10 Poison 60 feet

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