Harbinger of Doom - Nekomata
Harbinger of Doom (Nekomata)
Nekomata Only
When you deal necrotic damage against a creature, you treat immunity to necrotic damage as resistance and ignore a creature's resistance to necrotic damage. The radius of your Ghostly Flames increases to 15ft, and the spell save DC increases by +2 Necrotic attacks made while shrouded in darkness, magical or otherwise, can have their damage die rerolled if they are 1s or 2s, but the new roll must be taken and cannot be rerolled if it is also a 1 or 2 Enemies killed by your ghostly flames will in turn become ghostly flames that will explode on your next turn, dealing half the damage of a normal ghostly flame. Enemies killed by a secondary blast will also become ghostly flames
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