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Hari Onago

Hari Onago CR: 9

Medium ,
Armor Class: 20
Hit Points: 150
Speed: 30 ft , climb: 30 ft


26 +8


22 +6


18 +4


12 +1


14 +2


12 +1

Saving Throws: STR +12, DEX +10
Skills: Athletics +12, Sleight of Hand +10
Senses: Darkvision
Challenge Rating: 9
Proficiency Bonus: +4

+12 to hit, 20 spell save DC.   The Hari Onago uses its spell save DC for its not spell abilities as well.

Hack and Slash - The Hari Onago can treat non metal objects that would otherwise block their path as rough terrain by automatically cutting apart the obstacles as part of its movement


Multiattack - The Hari Onago can make 4 attacks with either its hair tendril or throw object   Hair Tendril - +12 to hit, 4d8+8 slashing, 15 feet   Throw Object - The Hari Onago can throw an object up to large sized (2x2 squares). After the object is thrown it breaks apart and cannot be thrown again. DC 20 dex save, 4d6 bludgeoning, 40 feet, 5 foot radius,half damage on a successful save   Complete Defense - As an action the Hari Onago can choose to forego attacking to create a powerful defense until its next turn. All non-psychic targeted attacks automatically are deflected, and all non-psychic saving throw abilities the Hari Onago will have advantage on, and only take half damage on a failure and no damage on a success. Furthermore the Hari Onago becomes immune to attacks of opportunity.

Bonus Actions

Shove/Throw - When the Hari Onago successfully hits a Hair Tendril attack, it can use its bonus action to add the following effect: The Hari Onago imposes a contesting athletics check (+12) against the target. On a failure the target is either pushed or thrown up to 40 feet. If the target is shoved or thrown into an object or other creature, they, and the object or creature hit both take 2d6+8 bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone. Against another creature the Hari Onago must hit an attack with a +12 to hit modifier against the targets AC. On a hitt the targeted creature also takes the damage and is knocked prone. On a miss the thrown creature lands adjacent to the target instead but still takes the damage and is knocked prone themselves.   Grapple - When the Hari Onago successfully hits a Hair Tendril attack, it can use its bonus action to add the following effect: The Hari Onago imposes a contesting athletics check (+12) against the target. On a failure the target becomes grappled.


Reflect - If a targeted or saving throw ranged attack that deals slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning is made against the Hari Onago, If it successfully blocks the attack with its AC or succeeds a saving throw, it can use its +12 to hit or 20 saving throw DC against the attacker, and reflect the damage back at them.

A yokai woman that has complete control over he long hair, the ends of which can be formed into sharp deadly blades

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