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Hyobe Ichijou

Hyobe Ichijou CR: 5

Medium ,
Armor Class: 17
Hit Points: 75
Speed: 40 ft


14 +2


18 +4


18 +4


26 +8


22 +6


18 +4

Saving Throws: WIS +6, DEX +4
Condition Immunities: Immune to any magical conditions that restrain or incapacitate him
Languages: Japanese
Challenge Rating: 5
Proficiency Bonus: +2

+10 to hit, 16 DC

Legendary Save (3/Day)   Flowering Lotus - While crossing his legs in a sitting pose, Hyobe can hover 5 feet off the ground


Multiattack - Hyobe can make 2 martial arts attacks and 1 dynamite attack   Martial Arts - Hyobe uses his mastery of martial arts to make an unarmed attack. +6 to hit, 2D6+4 bludgeoning. Target must make a DC 12 strength save or be knocked prone.   Dynamite - Hyobe can throw a stick of dynamite 30/90 range that does 3D6 bludgeoning in a 15 ft radius, DC 12 dex save. Everything within a 10 foot radius of the explosion becomes rough terrain.

Bonus Actions

Vine Whip (3/day) - Hyobe can shoot a vine whip to hook on, and pull himself over to surfaces up to 15ft away, whilst ignoring attacks of opportunity.


Deflect Missiles - Whenever a ranged attack with a missile type projectile is made against Hyobe from a direction he can see, he can reduce the damage by 1D10+4. If the attack damage is completely eliminated, Hyobe can use the projectile to make a +6 to hit attack roll using the projectile's damage as part of the reaction.

Legendary Actions

Throw Body - Hyobe may make a contesting acrobatics (+6) check against an opponent's athletics or acrobatics check. If he succeeds he will grab his target and throw them 30ft where they will be prone, and they will take 1D8 bludgeoning. Hyobe may throw the target at another person, who must make a DC 12 dex save or be thrown the same distance as the other target and be prone and take the same damage as the first target.

Lair Actions

Movement - Hyobe can move 15 feet   Sewer Kappa - Every turn a group of 4 kappa will pop out of a manhole to assist Hyobe   Control Water - When unground pipes become exposed by explosions, Hyobe can control the water to affect areas by aiming the spewing water in the direction he chooses in order to push a target within 15t an additional 15 ft away if they fail a DC 12 STR save   Hostage Populous - Upon stopping his escape, Hyobe will cause roots to break forth from the ground to restrain several bystanders in order to try to stop the party from using area of effect attacks

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