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Jorogumo CR: 9

Medium to Large ,
Armor Class: 17
Hit Points: 120
Speed: 40 ft , climb: 40 ft


17 +3


27 +8


18 +4


22 +6


16 +3


14 +2

Saving Throws: DEX +12, INT +10
Skills: Stealth +12, Perception +7
Damage Immunities: poison
Condition Immunities: poisoned
Senses: Perfect Darkvision
Challenge Rating: 9
Proficiency Bonus: +4

+12 to hit, 20 spell save DC   Spells are reflavored and changed to be web and poisons based

Spider Climb - The Jorogumo is able to walk on any surface, even upside down ones. Furthermore, the Jorogumo is immune to rough terrain caused by sticky surfaces, including its own webs.   Spider Minions - As an action, the Jorogumo can summon up to 100 spider familiars that behave like creatures under the Find Familiar spell   Unseen predator - When attacking a target from stealth, or a target stuck in a web, the Jorogumo does so with advantage   Form shift - As a free action the Jorogumo can change between a human form and a large sized spider form with a lower spider half that has 8 legs. The Jorogumo must be in its spider form to grant it access to its special spider abilities


Multiattack - The Jorogumo casts one spell, one use of Create Webs, and one use of Web Threads   Create Webs - Create up to 10 5x5 squares of rough terrain webbing per long rest. This can be placed anywhere within a 15 foot radius around the Jorogumo   Web Threads - The Jorogumo can shoot out webbing with the properties of rope up to a range of 90 feet. The webbing can be detached from the Jorogumo and secured snuggly at any point it chooses. The Jorogumo can create these threads once per turn on its turn, and travel along one using its movement

Bonus Actions

Creature of Darkness - The Jorogumo can use its bonus action to ttake the hide action   Cocoon - The Jorogumo can use its bonus action to restrain a grappled creature

A spider woman yokai that uses stealth and deadly threads to trap and best her opponents in battle.

Suggested Environments

Areas with a lot of darkness and tights spaces where peopel can get lost and seperated

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