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Juniper CR: 3

Medium , any
Armor Class: 17
Hit Points: 60
Speed: 40 ft


14 +2


24 +7


15 +2


10 +0


18 +4


16 +3

Saving Throws: DEX +11, WIS +8
Skills: Acrobatics +11, Arcana +4, Medicine +8, Religion +4
Damage Resistances: Radiant
Challenge Rating: 3

Timidity - At the beginning of every turn, Juniper must make a DC 18 WIS save. On a success she takes her turn as normal. On a failure she becomes frightened and unwilling to attack for that turn   Levitate - Juniper can levitate on command, up to 5 feet off the ground


Naginata - +11 to hit, 2d10+7 slashing, reach   Spinning Blossom - Juniper stands upon the tips of her toes on one of her feet and begins to spin rapidly with her naginata. Juniper can then use her movement to freely move up to 40 feet and any target within a 10 foot radius of her path must make a DC 16 DEX save. Target takes 6d10 slashing and knocked prone on a failure, or half that on a success. Juniper is immune to attacks of opportunity while spinning blossom is active   1,000 Stings - +11 to hit, 2d10+7 slashing. Juniper does and upward swipe with her naginata to send her target into the air. On a hit the target must beat a DC 16 CON save or be sent 5 feet into the air and incur an additional flurry of rapid piericng strikes dealing 8d4+7 piercing and sending the target flying back 15 feet onto the ground   Sundering Gale - +11 to hit, 4d10+7 slashing + 1d10 radiant A swift and powerful strike like a gust of wind brings a powerful cut upon the enemy. On a hit target must beat a 16 DC CON save or have one of their limbs chopped off. Roll a 1d4 to determine if its an arm or leg (1=LA, 2=RA, 3=LL, 4=RL). If an arm, target has disadvantage on attack rolls using a weapon or any skill checks using arms. If a leg, target has movement halved and disadvantage on any skills checks using legs   Rejuvination - Heals 5d10+4, can be used once per long rest

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