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Kurokiba CR: 12

Medium , any
Armor Class: 20
Hit Points: 250
Speed: 60 ft


18 +4


26 +8


18 +4


14 +2


16 +3


14 +2

Saving Throws: DEX +13, CON +9
Skills: Acrobatics +13, Athletics +9, Insight +8, Intimidation +7, Perception +8, Sleight of Hand +13, Stealth +13
Damage Resistances: Poison
Condition Immunities: Any magically induced conditions
Challenge Rating: 12

Gas Mask - Is impurvious to damage or effects from gas or plague based attacks   Agile - Can’t be knocked prone, and is immune to attacks of opportunity   Protective Ofuda - The Kurokiba has a protective ofuda on his equipment that protects him from the effect of magical spells that would charm him or impair movement   Legendary Saves (3) - The Kurokiba has 3 legendary saves for which it can choose to succeed   Parry - Adds +4 to any melee or ranged attack that it can see   Reflect - Can use its reaction to make a +13 melee attack roll against a ranged attack made against it. If it rolls higher than the attack roll made against it, the damage from attack is reflected towards the attacker. This does not work against nat 20 attacks.   Harpoon Move - As part of its movement, the Kurokiba can secure its harpoon to any surface within 60ft, including walls, ceilings, and stationary objects. It is then able to secure itself to these surfaces via the harpoon.   Harpoon Grapple - Instead of using its movement, or as an action, the Kurokiba can make a +13 attack roll with its harpoon to a target within 60ft, dealing 2D6+8 piercing on a hit. If the hit creature is medium sized or smaller, the Kurokiba can retract its harpoon to grapple the target towards them. All attacks made towards the grappled target have advantage. The Kurokibaa’s movement is halved while they have a target grappled, and they are unable to use their harpoon move ability. The grappled target can make contested athletics checks (+4) against the Kurokiba.


Multiattack - The Kurokiba makes 2 attacks with its retractable swords, one with its Grenade Launcher, and one misc. action that can be used for any of its other abilities (Harpoon Grapple, Poison Gas, Smokescreen, Flash Grenade, Greater invisibility)   Retractable Swords - 4D6+8 slashing, +13 to hit   Grenade Launcher - 5D10 piercing on a fail, half on a success, DC16 Dex save, 15ft radius   Smokescreen (3) - Activated as a bonus action the Kurokiba deploys a 20ft radius smoke cloud to hide or obscure its movement. The smoke lasts for 5 minutes before dispersing. Kurokiba has advantage on stealth when leaving the smoke.   Flash Grenade (3) - As an action the Kurokiba throws a flash grenade (30ft range) with a 10ft radius. Targets within radius must make a DC 16 CON save or be blinded. The target can reroll the save every turn. So long as the Kurokiba is wearing its gas mask it is immune to the blinding effects even when in range.   Poison Gas (1) - Attached to its equipment is a poison gas canister. Activated as a bonus action it covers a 30ft radius area and anyone who enters or starts their turn in the gas must make a DC16 CON save. On a failure the target deals 4D8 poison, or half of that on a successful save. The gas can be used once per long rest, and lasts for 3 turns before dispersing   Greater Invisibility - As an action the Kurokiba activates an ofuda on its person, allowing it to turn invisible

Legendary Actions

Movement - The Kurokiba can move 30ft, includes harpoon movement as an option   Martial Arts - The Kurokiba can make a +13 acrobatics grapple check against an opponent within melee distance. On a success the target is thrown to the ground to a spot within 10ft of the Kurokiba, and knocked prone   Whirlwind of Steel - The Kurokiba unleashes a torrent of slashes. Anyone adjacent to the Kurokiba must make a DC16 dex save. On a fail the target takes 8D6 slashing, or half that on a fail

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