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Land Vehicles

Type 94 Truck
                                          Type 93 Armored Car
  • CR - 8
  • HP - 150
  • AC - 18
  • Initiative - +3
  • Speed - 100
  • Saving Throws - Con (+11) Dex (+6)
  • Str (24) +7 Dex (16) +3 Con (26) +8 Int (10) +0 Wis (6) -2 Cha (4) -3
Weapons and Abilities
  • Machine Gun Turret -
  • 5D10 piercing
  • 1500ft line
  • DC 15 Dex Save
  • Run Over - If the car moves from at least 10 feet away towards a person they must make a DC 14 dex save or be knocked prone to the nearest unoccupied space and take 4D6 bludgeoning. On a success nothing happens
  • Explosion - If the armored car is destroyed by an attack that ignites the fuel tank (bullets, fire, explosives) the car will explode from its gas tank being ignited and anyone within 10ft of the car must make a DC 12 dex save or take 6D8 fire damage, or half of that on a success. If the car’s gas tank is not ignited when it is destroyed it can be at any time with a bullet, fire, or explosive to the same effect.
Part Health
  • Door - A door can be broken open with a DC 18 Str Check or by sustaining 30 damage hat specifically targeted on the chosen door
  • Tires - Any hits on a tire deal no damage to the car but do reduce its speed by 25 for every wheel. Destroying all four tires immobilizes the vehicle.
  • Crew - There are 2 crew-mates manning the armored car, the driver and the gunner (they can swap at any time as a bonus action). Each has 12 AC and 25 HP. Each can only be targeted if a door on their side has been broken off (front door for driver, back door for gunner)
  • Hang On - The side or top of the armored car can be boarded with a bonus action. If the car begins moving the one who boards must make a DC 12 Con save or fall prone to the nearest unoccupied space and take 2D6 bludgeoning
                      Type 96 Ha-Go Light Tank
                                        Type 97 Chi-Ha Medium Tank
                                        Type 3 Chi-Nu Medium Tank
                                              Type 4 Chi-To Heavy Tank
                                        Japanese Tiger Heavy Tank
                                      Type 4 Ka-Tsu Armored Amphibious Troop Carrier
                                        Type 94 Armored Train

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