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Minseitō - Liberal

Founded in 1927 from a merger of smaller liberal parties with similar platforms to create a counter weight to the Conservative party, the Seiyukai.  

Political Stances



Industrialization is a positive thing, but should have some regulations to ensure things like child labor and safety are properly enforced.  

Foreign Policy

Japan can become a great and competitive power through trade and innovation. Resources and greatness can be achieved through peaceful and diplomatic interactions between nations. Increased tolerance for the cultures of other nations and those of non-Japanese members of the empire should be given.  

Social Issues

There should be looser laws regarding the conduct of individuals so long as it doesn't directly harm other people. This means fewer restrictions regarding social norms and behavior seen as harmless by the party.  

Legal System

While the Minseito believe that the law should be enforced seriously, and that punishment should be delivered on perpetrators, they also believe that there are too many laws that infringe on areas of life that the party believes the government has no role in.  

Economic System

The Minseito party wants a free market economy where no businesses are nationalized or given favored status by the government. This would mean breaking up the Zaibatsus who have close connections with the government. While businesses would have great freedom to operate themselves how they choose, they also would have no government safety net by which to fall back on.  

Political System

The Minseito Party propose a continuation of the reforming of the government system. Specifically that the position of emperor is moved to a strictly symbolic position with reduced  power. Second is the Prime Minister should no longer be appointed by an un-elected and unaccountable religious organization, but rather by means of elected representatives. Lastly, a constitution should be written that enshrine the rights of the citizens.  

Immigration and International Trade

The Minseito Party is the only legal party that supports increased immigration and imports. Their rationality is that people who seek to live in the empire should be allowed to do so, as long as they are not obvious threats to the nation. As for trade, the rationale is that Sosukese should be able to decide whether or not they want foreign goods. Let the average person vote with their money on what they want, not the government via tariffs and embargoes.  

Religious Law

The Minseito Party proposes a lifting on the privileged status of @shint as the state religion, and a blanket tolerance for all other religions in the empire.

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