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Moon Rabbit Lunar Priestess

Moon Rabbit Lunar Priestess CR: 8

Medium ,
Armor Class: 18
Hit Points: 125
Speed: 40 ft


15 +2


16 +3


18 +4


16 +3


20 +5


17 +3

Saving Throws: WIS +8, CON +7
Skills: Arcana +6, Insight +8, Medicine +8, Persuasion +6, Religion +6
Damage Resistances: Radiant
Senses: Darkvision
Challenge Rating: 8

Moon rabbits use wisdom as their spellcasting modifier   +8 to hit   16 spell save DC

At will: Moonbeam

3/day: Darkness

Rabbit’s feet - As part of your movement, you can use a bonus action to jump, vertically or horizontally, up to 30ft. Celestial. Your creature type is Celestial, rather than humanoid   Nowabunny - As an action can turn into a 1 hp bunny with simple 10 stats. When hit the bunny will return back to their humanoid form. This ability cannot be used again for 1 minute after exiting rabbit form   Levitate - The moon rabbit can passively levitate up to 30 feet off the ground  

Waxing and Waning

When the moon rabbit rolls initiative for combat, also roll a D6 to determine the moon phase for their first turn. The phase will change at the beginning of each of your subsequent turns, Once the phase reaches either New Moon or Full Moon, the phase will reverse direction   (1) New Moon: -1 on all rolls, DCs, AC, and damage   (2) Crescent: +0 on all rolls, DCs, AC, and damage   (3) Half Moon: +1 on all rolls, DCs, AC, and damage   (4) Gibbous: +2 on all rolls, DCs, AC, and damage   (5) Full Moon: +3 on all rolls, DCs, AC, and damage. Enemies roll with disadvantage against your save DC, and 19s count as critical hits.   (6) Reroll


Zero Gravity - The moon rabbit creates a 30 foot radius, and 30 foot high zone that becomes under the effect of zero gravity and the silence spell for enemy creatures. Movement within the space counts as rough terrain. Strength based rolls are made with advantage and dexterity based rolls are made with disadvantage. Objects and creatures will begin to float and can be used to propel oneself in any direction as part of movement. The moon rabbit is unaffected by the rough terrain. This effect lasts one minute and can only be used once per long rest.

A Moon Rabbit Shrine Maiden that specializes in using moon powers, and whose power is tied to the phases of their internal moon

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