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Nazi Germany



Nazi Germany is a naional socialist one party dictatorship under the National Socialist German Worker's Party. The government is high centralized under the command of Adolf Hitler, the head of the "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" or NSDAP AKA "the Nazis" The government has no restrictions on its power, and can act with impunity.  


Germany for the last 100 years has been a rising power, but has found itself checked by the other nations of Europe, which don't want Germany to become the continental hegemon. This culminated in the Great War, which pitched the German Empire and its allies the Ottoman Empire and the Autsro-Hungarian Empire against nearly all the other nations of the continent. Germany was by far the most powerful nation of their side, but was not able to carry their side to victory due to resource shortages. This defeat led to humiliating treaty punishments being placed on Germany. Combined with the economic depression the nation suffered afterwards, the nation became a fertile ground of resentment and frustration. The national socialist political activist Adolf Hitler fed upon this resentment and became the fuhrer of the nation, fundamentally transforming it from a corrupt and decadent republic to an authoritarian and puritanical dictatorship.  

Foreign Policy

Germany seeks to restore its glory and secure the resources needed for what the nazis see as the necessary land and resources for their people to compete and survive against a world that will devour them if they don't strike first. This paranoid and winner takes all mentality has led to militarism and and rearmament, and aggressive political action. The nazis also see the world and other nations in terms of a racial hierarchy of superior and inferior races. Certain nations with which the nazis sees as superior will be treated with more diplomacy and respect, while others will be treated like vermin worth exterminating.  


The German economy is subject to a lot of nationalization, subsidization, price controls, and other government interference. Despite this, Germany boasts an extraordinarily powerful economy, easily ranking amongst the biggest in the world, and is famous for its advanced technological innovations, which always seem to be a step ahead of their enemies.  


Germany is an industrious and innovative nation, and a proud nation that has a burning desire to prove its glory to the world. Due to nazi propaganda many Germans, especially youth, have been indoctrinated into supremacist and racist viewpoints that characterize their behavior

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