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Noriharu Katsura

Noriharu Katsura CR: 20

Medium , any
Armor Class: 20
Hit Points: 150
Speed: 40 ft


18 +4


24 +7


26 +8


28 +9


30 +10


30 +10

Saving Throws: WIS +16, CHA +16
Skills: Arcana +15, Deception +16, Intimidation +16, Religion +15, Sleight of Hand +13, Stealth +13
Damage Vulnerabilities: Radiant, Psychic
Damage Immunities: Necrotic
Condition Immunities: Immune to all conditions
Senses: Blindsight
Challenge Rating: 20

Charisma, +16 Modifier, 24 DC

Legendary Resistance (3/Day) - If the shinigami fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead   Impure Regeneration - As a bonus action the shinigami can draw on its well of regenerative vitality. This pool amounts to a total of 500 HP and can be used on the Shinigami's turn even if it has been reduced to 0 HP   Impure Immortality - The shinigami cannot be killed unless it is hit with an attack that does radiant damage after all its health and impure regenration has been depleted.   Death Wails - Upon death the shinigami unleahes a powerful death scream that destructively reverberates through the minds of those enarby. The shinigami casts Psychic Scream at the point of their death


Multiattack - Noriharu Katsura casts one spell, one use of shakuhachi charm, and one summon string of characters   Shakuhachi Charm - Noriharu Katsura plays his shakuhachi to charm a target to seek their base desires (The creature must choose one of the 7 deadly sins that best reperesents them). Target must make a DC 16 CHA save or spend their next turn acting on their warped desires in the way Katsura wants them to   Summon String of Characters - A scroll floats out of Noriharu's robes and opens up, revealing strings of characters which begin to move to the tune of Noriharu's shakuhachi. Katsura can summon one scroll every turn, each scroll spawns 4 character strings  

Character String CR: 1

Tiny , any
Armor Class: 17
Hit Points: 30
Speed: 40 ft


10 +0


24 +7


14 +2


16 +3


20 +5


20 +5

Saving Throws: WIS +7, CHA +7
Damage Vulnerabilities: Radiant, Psychic
Damage Immunities: Necrotic
Challenge Rating: 1


Searing Strike - The character string tries to wrap itself around its target and deal necrotic burns. +7 to hit, 4d6+5 necrotic, melee. On a hit, target must make a DC 14 STR save or be under the effects of Entangle   Jumping Character - The character string shoots one of its characters at a target. +7 to hit, 2d8+5 necrotic, 30/120

Legendary Actions

Macabre Step - Noriharu Katsura is surrounded by countless strings of characters that obscure him and then burst, causing anyone adacent to Katsura to make a DC 24 dex save, failure dealing 2d8 necrotic, and half of that on a success. Katsura then reappears in a mass of character strings at a point of his choosing within 30 feet, and if he is at least somewhat obscured will automatically be in stealth   Chilltouch   Minor Regeneration - Heals 1d4+4

Lair Actions

Torii Gates - Within an area of combat, Katsura can summon 4 torii gates at locations of his choice. Each torii gate acts as a portal between another of the gates. Anyone that enters a torii portal will roll a d4 to determine which gate they exit from. This can only be done once per movement   Kuro Komainu - Two statues of warped lion like dogs are placed at spots of Katsura's choice. When damaged by any attack, the komainu will attack the creature that hurt them, with the exception of Noriharu Katsura himself. If Katsura damages a komainu, they will instead attack the nearest creature. As a reaction to taking damage the komainu will use their laser eyes, +8 to hit, 3d6+4 fire   Impurifying Water - Two purification fountains are placed on the combat map at at points of Katsura's chosing. These fountains have become cursed and impure, and thus the water seeks to dirty anyone thee passes adjacent to them. If a creature that is not under the control of Katsura enters melee range of an impure fountain they must make a DC 15 WIS save. On a failure the target takes 2d8 necrotic, or half of that on a success

Noriharu Katsura can summon his Spirit Labyrinths which manifest as the desired world of those he has trapped inside. Victims will see their existances within this false world as perfectly normal and ideal unless their illusion is shaken by an abnormality or outside intervention   If the illusion is broken the victims within the spirit labyrinth will findd themselves in an elaborate corrupted shrine complex with torii gates and other shrine iconography overgrown with necrtoic sludge and death

One of the five Kage-Yubi, Noriharu Katsura is one of the most powerful yokai in existance

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