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Propaganda is instrumental for the state to control the narrative of politics and shifting attention where they want it  

Propaganda Campaigns

Power Projection and Demoralization

Propaganda of this nature focuses on inflating the image of power of the military and state beyond reality. The purpose of this is less to attract new people to the cause, and more to demoralize potential opposition into seeing resistance as futile and to accept and submit the status quo.  

National Glory, and Religious, Cultural, and Racial Purity

This propaganda champions an idealized version of the nation and its people. Japanese propaganda in particular claims that its people are inherently more virtuous and hard working than other cultures, races, and nations. Purity is an important religious and cultural standard in Japan, so propaganda will clearly place it on a plane above all others. This kind of propaganda will also elevate sacrifice on behalf of the state as the highest ideal. This may come in the form of military sacrifice or labor.  

Mediums of Propaganda

Newspapers, Magazines, and radio

While the Japanese government has no official newspaper or radio station, they have strong influence over what the private corporations are allowed to say, and mandatory announcements can be made to play on behalf of the government.  

Great Japan Youth Party

The Great Japan Youth Party is a state run youth program to help train the young people of the empire in the skills and virtues of the nation. For male children and teens, it is often a fast track into military service or politics, as many of the activities involve physical training, outdoor activities, firearms training, and on the ground patriotic demonstration. For women, they are taught how to be good wives and mothers, and how they can support the nation from the home.  

Public Art and Iconography

The Japanese government spares no expense on elaborate and grandiose architecture in a fusion of modern and classic styles. Statues of historical figures in commanding poses domineer the public plazas of cities. Patriotic symbols and buntings hang from buildings, splashing the city with nationalistic colors. All of this serves to further emphasize the power and prevalence of the influence of the state. For its supporters, this all feels like protective walls and guardians of safety. To detractors, it imposes a feeling of being surrounded by enemies where no quarter will be given.  


Propaganda posters and pamphlet handed out or plastered on walls depicting glorified images of soldiers, political leaders, and other Japanese. Alternatively they might be fearful dramatized images of enemies of the state as deformed, shady, or monstrous.  

Literatureand comics

Books for people of all ages depicting legendary Japanese heroes, or non-fiction political treatises are readily available to the populous. The purpose of these is to inform people of the political perspective of, or to inspire action and participation on behalf of the government. As many other forms of propaganda, these often bridge the line between entertainment, and propaganda.  


Propaganda music feature bombastic orchestral anthems that instill energy and patriotism in the listener. Many of these anthems have lyrics that glorify the sacrifice of soldiers, and the indomitability of the emperor.  

Military Parades

Public displays of military power are common as a form of both entertainment for the masses, as neatly dressed soldiers march in perfect unison followed by artillery pieces and cavalry. But it also serves as a reminder to potential detractors of the state that the military has more than enough power to dispose of them if they get too bold or open. These parades are accompanied by the attendance of important officials, military and nationalistic music, banners, streamers, flags, and confetti.

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