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Yamato Race

The Yamato race is the primary ethnic group of Japan, making up 98% of the population. There is a growing belief within ultra-nationalist circles that the Yamato are a superior race and have a divine right to be the masters of East Asia if not the world. As Japan continues to see military victories abroad, and as a zealous political arms race to see who is the most devoted to the emperor continues at home, this racial ideology is likely to only continue to spread and grow in power.  

Views on Other Groups

Ainu & Okinawans

Despite being native to Japan, their cultural differences from the Yamato race is seen as an impurity that must be reconciled. Cultural suppression and re-education into Japanese culture is a standard way of trying to bring these people into the fold. Those who are not fully assimilated are not seen as the equals of born and bred Yamato Japanese  

Other East Asians

Japan sees its neighbors ass its inferiors in both culture and technology. Because Japan is the preeminent regional power and has won every war its gotten into, this rationalization has been easy to justify for many. This viewpoint at its best has been the rationalization for the view that Japan should act as a protective big brother of these lesser peoples. At worst they aren't seen as anything more than beasts whose rightful place is to serve their superior masters, justifying some horrific behavior. Native people of conquered territories are beat for slight infractions, forced into labor and military service, and even into prostitution under the euphemistic name "comfort woman".  

Europeans & Americans

Japan has a begrudging respect for the European powers, but this is balanced out with a degree of contempt and resentment against them as well. Japan wishes to join the great imperial powers club, but has been checked by the Europeans and even condemned when Japan has engaged in imperialist behavior. Japan interprets this as racist hypocrisy and is now determined to seize its empire with or without the blessings of the Mereditians. This relationship could be seen as one of an admiration turned hostile inferiority complex.

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