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Seiyukai - Conservative

Founded in 1900 by Ito Hirobumi, the party seeks to provide a stable and traditional society for all Japanese. They are one of the two main parties, competing with the liberal Minseito party for policitcal dominance, frequently switching back in forth every election.  

Political Stances




It is Japan's destiny to become the hegemon of East Asia. This pursuit of advancement cannot be allowed to be slowed, lest other regional powers and colonialists take the lead. Matters of how technology undermines traditional culture and lifestyle is a lesser issue for the party. Additionally the adverse effect on the environment is also a non-factor. The wilderness is a resource that should be used and made to bend to the will of society and order.  

Foreign Policy

Japan has a divine right to global hegemony. However more nuanced methods are needed than the old ways of just military action. A sophisticated network of alliances and economic supremacy that makes Japan the dominant central power of the world are needed as well. The presence of rival superpowers must be seen as an existential threat to Japan's sphere of influence in East Asia, and these opposing nations must be undermined.  

Social Policy

Citizenship for non-Japan should be maintained in its current state, where it is done on a basis of how it will maintain political stability, and enhance economic growth. A carrot and stick approach should be applied in governance of its imperial territories to help incentivize the other regions to be peaceful and cooperative. Good behavior is rewarded with leniency and increased citizenship rights. Rebellious behavior is met with swift and powerful suppression. Cultural purity is an issue of premium importance to Seiyukai, and they push for increased privilege and protections for the status quo and Japanese culture.  

Legal System

Policing and punishment should be extensive and serious. Maintaining strong order is the only thing preventing the empire from fragmenting. A strong image of unity is needed, and shall be achieved through laws that promote a strong civic morality and culture, and a powerful legal system to back up infringements of those laws. Terrorists and separatist groups in particular must be dealt with harshly and proactively.  

Economic System

Seiyukai does not have a particularly strong economic philosophy, and is willing to incorporate elements of market and controlled economy to achieve its ends. The economy is not state controlled, but a great deal of intervention, subsidization, and pressure to operate and make decisions that also benefit the state are also done. Collusion between large corporate conglomerates called "zaibatsus", and subsequent give and take is common. Seiyukai believes that a strong system of social welfare and subsidization will create a greater bond and reliance between the people and state. Systems of support for citizens who have lost family providers in tragedy or war are financially supported.  

Political System

Seiyukai wishes to continue the status quo system established in the Meiji Restoration. They have refined the status quo to create the most stability and power maintenance for themselves. Large changes to the system could open up possibilities for political opponents to take advantage of them.  

Immigration and International Trade

While Japan exports very large amounts of textiles abroad, they are a much bigger importer of resources, and thus need to keep importation free and open for the most part.  

Religious Law

Japan could be considered a theocratic state because of the overwhelming influence that @shint has within the system of government. Seiyukai wishes to perpetuate that system from a perspective of the State-Shinto branch of the religion. Shinto is given a highly preferential treatment by the government, and explicitly religious laws are common. Blasphemous actions like cursing and defacing religious icons are illegal. Seiyukai has strong laws that control the culture and behavior of its citizens. This derives largely from Japan's collectivist culture, that puts either strong social or legal pressure on the populous to behave in a certain ideal way for the purpose of creating a strong unity and cohesive culture.

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