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Sergeant CR: 2

Medium , any
Armor Class: 16
Hit Points: 50
Speed: 30 ft


16 +3


18 +4


16 +3


14 +2


14 +2


16 +3

Saving Throws: STR - +4 CON - +4
Skills: Athletics +4, Intimidation +5
Challenge Rating: 2

Reinforcements - Every turn the sergeant can call in two minion soldiers to enter the combat from outside the map   Banzai Charge - Once per long rest the sergeant can order all of his troops to charge and attack on his turn. Any troops on his command can move 30ft, make a rifle attack, and make a bayonet attack   Not yet… - Once per turn the sergeant can raise 2 fallen soldiers back to battle   Kamikaze - If the sergeant falls below 1 HP he will be able to move 30ft, and detonate grenades on his person dealing 16D4 piercing, 15ft radius, 14 DC Dex save


Multiattack - The sergeant makes two attacks with their Type 100 or Katana   Type 100 Hojo Submachine gun - 2d+4 piercing, +8 to hit, 80/320   Officer's Katana - 2d6+4 slashing, +8 to hit, melee

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