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Type 94 Armored Train

Type 94 Armored Train CR: 20

Gargantuan , any
Armor Class:
Hit Points: 550
Speed: 120 ft


30 +10


10 +0


32 +11


10 +0


6 -2


4 -3

Saving Throws: STR +17, CON +18
Damage Immunities: Poison, Psychic
Condition Immunities: Immune to all conditions
Challenge Rating: 20

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the tank fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead   Troop Transport - At the start oof combat the train can deploy 16 infantry (in teams of 4) up to 30 feet away from the train. Every turn the train deploys 4 more infantry until destroyed   On Tracks - The train can only move along fixed tracks   Free Ride - Allies of the tank that are adjacent to it when it moves are able to cling on to the side as it moves as a free action   Explosion - If the train is destroyed by an attack that ignites the fuel tank (bullets, fire, explosives) the car will explode from its gas tank being ignited and anyone within 25ft of the car must make a DC 15 dex save or take 10d10 fire damage, or half of that on a success. If the train’s gas tank is not ignited when it is destroyed it can be at any time with a bullet, fire, or explosive to the same effect.  

Part Damage

Wheels - Any hits on a wheels of the train deal no damage to the tank but instead deal damage to the wheels themselves, which have a total health pool of 120. Once the wheels are destroyed the train's movement becomes 0   Turret - The turret has 150 HP. Once destroyed, the train no longer can use it as a weapon. Damage done against the turrret does not contribute to damage to the train and is a seperate health pool   AA Gun - The gun has 80 HP. Once destroyed, the train no longer can use it as a weapon. Damage done against the gun does not contribute to damage to the train and is a seperate health pool


Multiattack - The train makes two attacks, one with its turret, and one with its AA gun   Turret - The train fires a shell up to 800 feet, creating an explosion with a 30 foot radius. Any creatures within the radius must succeed on a DC 20 DEX save or take 8d8 bludgeoning, or half of that on a success   Anti-Aircraft Gun - The coaxial machine gun fires in a 200 foot straight line. Any creatures in its line of fire must succeed on a DC 20 DEX save or take 6d12 piercing, or half of that on a success

Legendary Actions

Turret - The train fires a shell up to 800 feet, creating an explosion with a 30 foot radius. Any creatures within the radius must succeed on a DC 20 DEX save or take 8d8 bludgeoning, or half of that on a success   Anti-Aircraft Gun - The coaxial machine gun fires in a 200 foot straight line. Any creatures in its line of fire must succeed on a DC 20 DEX save or take 6d12 piercing, or half of that on a success   Troop Transport - The train deploys 4 infantry within 30 feet of it

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