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Veteran CR: 8

Medium , any
Armor Class: 18
Hit Points: 130
Speed: 40 ft


20 +5


20 +5


18 +4


14 +2


16 +3


14 +2

Saving Throws: DEX +9, CON +8
Skills: Athletics +9, Intimidation +5, Perception +6
Challenge Rating: 8

Indomitable (3/Day)   Survivor - The warlord regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point but fewer hit points than half its hit point maximum   Too Angry to Die - Once the veteran drops to 0 HP he gets a turn before dying


Multiattack - The veteran makes two attacks with his machine gun and one with his knee mortar. He can use his bonus action to lay mines or make a bayonet attack   Bayonet - 1d6+5 piercing, +9 to hit, melee   DC 17 DEX save

Type 99 Nambu Light Machine Gun (Heavy)



Cartridge: 7.7×58   DC = 8+Dex+Proficiency DEX save, target takes half damage on a successful save   Uses half of movement to set up or pack up   Requires special weapons proficiency

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Ranged 3d8 Piercing 100ft line

  DC 17 DEX save

Type 89 50mm Knee Mortar (Light)



DC = 8+Dex+Proficiency DEX save, target takes half damage on a successful save   5ft radius   Cannot fire so that the center of the attack is within 10 feet

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Ranged 2d6 Piercing 100ft range

  DC 17 DEX save

(4) Type 93 Anti-Personnel Mine (Light)



DC = 8+Dex+Proficiency DEX save, target takes half damage on a successful save, any target of medium size or smaller that fails the save will be knocked prone on a failure   5 foot radius   Activates if a creature goes over the square where the mine was placed   2 can be tossed as an action in any direction   Mines are clearly visible unless intentionally obscured. Whoever places the mines must make a survival check to hide them. Any attempt to find the mines will require a perception check to beat this survival check DC.   Mines have an AC of 10 and can be detonated with any attack. Mines are automatically detonated by save based attacks that hit them   Mines can be moved or thrown by any creature that chooses to do so after initial placement

Type Damage Damage Range
None 4d8 Piercing 15 feet

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