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Yuki Onna

Yuki Onna CR: 20

Medium , any
Armor Class: 20
Hit Points: 300
Speed: 40 ft , can hover


12 +1


18 +4


23 +6


14 +2


20 +5


24 +7

Saving Throws: Dex +10, Wis +11
Skills: Stealth +10, Arcana +8, Perception +11, Deception +13
Damage Vulnerabilities: Fire
Damage Immunities: Cold
Condition Immunities: exhaustion, grappled, restrained, stunned
Challenge Rating: 20

Cha +13 to hit, DC 21

3/day: Ice Storm

Preffered Terrain - Can sense the presence of any creature and their location within one mile, so long as they are within the Yuki Onna's snowy wilderness   Move through Snow - If the Yuki Onna is standing on snow, they can use their bonus action to misty step through the snow to another point of snow within 30 feet   Levitation - The Yuki Onna can hover up to 30 feet above the ground, and can move within that space at will


Multiattack - The Yuki Onna makes two Kisses of Death, and casts one spell   Kiss of Death - The Yuki Onna blows an icy cold kiss at a target. +10 to hit, 4d8+4 cold, 30/90. Targets hit by the kiss must beat a DC 21 Con save or have disadvantage on all dex based attack rolls, saves, and checks, and have their movement reduced by 10 till the end of their next turn


Chilling Aura - When a melee attack is made against the Yuki Onna and hits, she can deal half the damaged dealt, rounded down, back to the target in cold damage

Legendary Actions

Legendary Resistance (3/Day) - If the Yuki Onna fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead   Movement - Move up to 40 feet   Spell - Cast one spell   Energy Drain - The Yuki Onna tries to grasp their target to drain their energy. +10 to hit, 2d10+4 cold, melee. All damage taken by the target heals the Yuki Onna

Lair Actions

Frigid Wind - The blizzard winds intensify. Everyone takes 2d6 cold damage and are moved 5 feet in the direction of the wind. Ranged attacks are made with disavantage until the end of the turn. The Yuki Onna can use this abilitay as a free action on turns when it rolls a 5 or 6 on a d6 die   Icy Terrain - Any areas covered in snow within the Yuki Onna's lair count as rough terrain. Anyone other than the Yuki Onna that enters a patch of ice within the Yuki Onna's lair must beat a DC 16 dex save or be knocked prone

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