We stepped from the fires of Jag'Matir - the volcano deep within the mountain range was our first home, before the city we built was destroyed. His fires nurtured us, warmed us, and prepared us for the world. We have no home now that the city fell, but the rest of the world welcomes us, by and large.
Basic Information
Tieflings tend to have red skin, horns, and tails. They appear otherwise as humanoids.
Genetics and Reproduction
Tieflings grow up at the same rate as humans, though live a bit longer. Any race who has a child with a tiefling will usually wind up witha tiefling.
Ecology and Habitats
Tieflings have no concentrated home base.
Civilization and Culture
Beauty Ideals
Tieflings consider the tail to be the most beautiful of all body parts - a lengthy and well formed tail is said to be a symbol of... prowess in bed for male tieflings, and a symbol of fertility in female tieflings.
Common Dress Code
Tieflings tend toward layered clothing of dark and contrasting colors.
Common Taboos
Tieflings do not bare their stomachs in public.