
Ashlanders are a subrace of Human. They are most commonly found south in the Ashlands but some travel north in search of opportunity. Descended from the "last men" of the Second Empire, Ashlanders are exceptional at navigating the harshness of Kenshi. Born under the ashclouds of the Second Empire many live their entire life in darkness.

Physical Description
Ashlanders are the least similar to their other human counterparts. Made most evident through their blackened skin and elongated cat-like eyes. Sometimes called "Goblins" by other races ashlanders are smaller in stature ranging from 4 to 5 feet tall and weighing 80-150 pounds. Their noticably hunched posture can make them appear smaller, even moving on all fours at times. It's unclear whether these extreme differences came from natural evolution or from Cat-Lon's mutation experiments.
Generally soft spoken, Ashlanders prefer to let their actions do the talking. They have a dark sense of humour and often find the silver lining in an otherwise grim situation. While to outsiders they may come across as cold, they make for extremely loyal friends and an unwavering mind.
Much of the Ashlander existence has been in servitude to an undying Skeleton Emperor, leading to two extreme ideologies. Those that still follow Cat-Lon and the ways of Old Imperialism, the law of the Second Empire, and those who oppose him with all their being. Manumit is the only way of thinking for most Ashlanders that escape the south.
Many Ashlanders see Skeletons as a sort of kin, having gone through the hardships of the Second Empire together. Often forced into slavery, ashlanders are fearful of most other races. Trusting more in themselves and a good blade than the lies of some lord.
With an aversion to the sun many Ashlanders never leave the blackened skies of the Second Empire. Those who stay are either hardened killers or penniless laborers working for "Mad" Cat-Lon, the exiled Emperor. Many Ashlanders have developed a resistance to poison as the air in the Ashlands is often toxic.
Ashlander names can vary but many come from their slave roots, names like, dirt or ash. It isn't common for Ashlanders to carry a family name.


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