Black Desert

The Black Desert gets its name from the dark black sand and thick soot filling the air of this region making breathing here difficult and often fataly toxic. The Black Desert is a place where life has all but been extinguished, leaving behind a barren landscape that speaks of a cataclysmic past and a future devoid of hope.


The ground of the Black Desert is covered in a thick layer of ash and soot, with the soil underneath burned to a lifeless, gray-black crust. The terrain is unnaturally flat, stretching out in all directions with no sign of vegetation or water. The only disruptions in this monotony are the jagged rocks and the remnants of ancient, melted structures that protrude from the ground like the bones of a long-dead beast. Now reduced to twisted metal and crumbling stone, these ruins are often half-buried in ash, their original purpose lost to time. Some speculate that the Black Desert was once a thriving industrial hub, but whatever catastrophe struck this region left nothing but ruin in its wake.

Localized Phenomena

Ash Storms: One of the most dangerous aspects of the Black Desert is its frequent ash storms. These storms sweep across the landscape, reducing visibility to almost nothing and filling the air with choking clouds of ash and toxic particles. The storms can last for hours or even days, making travel through the region treacherous. Those caught in an ash storm without proper protection are at risk of suffocation or severe respiratory damage.

Fauna & Flora


The toxic environment and lack of resources have made it nearly impossible for any form of flora or fauna to survive. The land is barren, with not even the hardiest of plants able to take root in the ashen soil. The only signs of life are the occasional scavenger creatures that venture into the desert, drawn by the promise of ancient relics or the remnants of those who have perished in the harsh conditions.


Iron Spiders: Remnants of an ancient automated defense system, patrol the wasteland attacking anything that moves. These mechanical horrors are relentless and nearly indestructible, making them one of the most feared dangers in the region. They are powered by unknown means and continue their patrols long after their creators have perished, a grim reminder of the Black Desert’s deadly past.


The origins of the Black Desert are shrouded in mystery, but it is widely believed that the region was once the site of a massive industrial complex or city, destroyed in a cataclysmic event. Some speculate that a war, an industrial accident, or even an experiment gone wrong led to the region's current state. The truth, however, has been lost to time, buried beneath layers of ash and soot. The Black Desert is rumored to hold remnants of advanced technology from the ancient world, hidden within the ruins and buried beneath the ash. These tales have drawn many to the region in search of lost knowledge and powerful artifacts, but few have succeeded in uncovering anything of value. The harsh environment and the dangers that lurk within the desert have ensured that much of its history remains a closely guarded secret.
Owning Organization


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