
Bonebulls are herbivores which can be found roaming the wilds of Kenshi. While mostly found in grassy regions such as Okran's Pride they can be found in all climates and environments. Known for their resilence and strong legs they are the go-to pack animal for any wondering trader.

The "Bone"bull gets its name from the bones that permiate its hide, providing a formidable natural defense. Their skulls are made of many layers of articulating bone plates, large tusks protrude forward from behind the ears. The direct charge from an enraged Bonebull has been the death of many a great warrior.

Domestic Life

Bonebulls make for fantastic pack animals, many are able to carry their own bodyweight upon their backs.
Bonebulls have been assisting farmers and traders for thousands of years. Despite their capabilities they are unreliable war animals mostly suited for carrying army supplies.


    Bonebulls are herbivours and can survive on a wide variety of plantlife. They do however prefer fresh green grass, sometimes forcing a caravan to stop for days while they eat.


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