
More commonly known as "Beak Thing"

Gutters are a large Four Legged mammal with a pronounced razor sharp beak and shell-like plating housing the creatures back. The average Beak Thing lives for 40-50 years, reaching full maturity after 15. However some Beak Things have been known to live much longer than 50 and are refered to as Elders. Packs are generally led by the most Elder male, often identified by the moss "beard" draping their beak. Gutters tower over the average Human, full grown they average 20 ft tall, with their neck alone accounting for 6 ft or more. Passing Beak Things have been known to pluck guards from the tops of walls like fruit from a tree.

Wild Gutters

Beak Things are one of the most dangerous natural predators in Kenshi, particularly for lone travelers or lightly armed groups. Their speed, aggression, and strength make them a constant threat to anyone journeying through the regions they inhabit. Beak things will kill anything that happens to get in their way and will often pick their meals apart slowly to keep them alive.
When hunting, Gutters tend to charge directly at their prey relying on their unmatched speed to close the distance. A single Beak Thing is formidable, but encountering an entire pack is often a death sentence for small groups. Even heavily armored travelers can be overwhelmed by the sheer force of their coordinated attacks.

Royal Gutters

    The Shek tell stories of Gutters as tall as mountains with golden crests on their heads. Some even claim these Gutters could speak however none have been seen in over 100 years. Modern scholars laugh at these claims but the Shek aren't known to be liars.

Domestic Life

Beak Things can never be truely domesticated, however they can be tricked to carrry heavy loads or unleashed on your enemies. Gutters have extremely bad eyesight, especially in the dark. This can cause them to act cowardly, relying on speed and the pack for survival. Shek smiths have learned to exploit this weakness with special blinding plates. When blinded, Gutters are much more responsive to commands for fear of losing the pack.
"A blind Beak Thing is like a mudcrab on a mountain.
Just don't let it smell the blood.."
— Shek Caravan Master


Gutters are carnivorous and indiscriminant when choosing their next meal. Gutters heightened sense of smell can have a pack stalking its prey from miles away. With a noticable affinity for fish they are often found bobbing their heads in streams and lakes. While they may not look it Gutters are powerful swimmers and have been known to travel miles by sea.


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