Tech Hunters

The Tech Hunters are a Mercenary group led by Captain Trepp working under the guidence of The Machinists, a Technocracy led by a council of craftsmen and scientists. It is believed the Tech Hunter's have been around since the fall of The First Empire and their higher ranks are composed almost entirely of Skeletons.


The Tech Hunters have little room for the "common folk" and their cities are run more like military camps than towns. Everyone from street sweeper to bishop holds a rank and serves a purpose or are otherwise left to their own means, leading to large slums. They are however fiercely loyal to those proven amung their ranks and will retaliate tenfold if a comrade is attacked which has overtime led to most Tech Hunters having safe passage across civilized Kenshi.


The Tech Hunters were started as a military force, founded by The Machinists to find and restore oldworld tech, however they quickly outgrew the task. While still loyal to the Machinists, Tech Hunters can be found all across Kenshi taking jobs as hired muscle or delving into ancient ruins for tech salvage.


The Capital of the Tech Hunters remains a closely guarded secret. When Tech Hunters are pressed or even tortured for this information they simply answer, "It's at World's End". Other than this, they hold claims to the Town of Black Scratch and the Fortress of Flat's Lagoon. Recently, Captain Trepp ordered the establishment of a permanent settlement in The Grid, to act as a staging point for expeditions Southward.

Technological Level

Travelling every corner and depth of Kenshi has led the Tech Hunters to posses some of the most advanced oldworld Tech known today. Their cities are blanketed in neon lights and wires, while the citizens odorn their wrists with watches and advanced augments. They are the only major faction to own and operate airships however unreliable these contraptions may be.

Foreign Relations

A vassal of The Machinists, Tech Hunters strive for a neutral position in all diplomatic matters. They are currently not at war with any major faction and most bandits know better than to mess with a Tech Hunter expeditionary force.
Expedition, Scientific
Controlled Territories


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