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Din Varo

A city built on the grave of another. 
Din Varo started out as some tents set up along the Thames River as a safe point after the battle that was Long Island Sound vs. The Atlantic Beast
From there it grew, and grew, and grew. It is still growing. Upwards and out. 
Any trace of the New London and Groton area that may have remained after the battle has been erased out of existence by this monstrosity of a city.


Din Varo is made up of a variety of species, ethnicities, and classes.


The Loop - The Center of the City. Both by way of it's actual location in the city and by way of most government buildings being here. (Since the government is "what is keeping the city running" and therefore, supposedly the heart of it all.)
Thames Port - Also known as the harbour district. As one may imagine, this is where all the ships are. Located in the southern section of the city, in and around Greens Harbor.
Greenbriar - The University District, named as such due to Greenbriar University's existance in the area.

Guilds and Factions

Foxtrotters - While mainly located in the town they originate from, Foxwoods, the Foxtrotters do have an "office" in Din Varo and a large portion of the gang resides here.

Points of interest

Greenbriar University - The city's local college. Somehow, it's only college.


Most of the buildings here are built out of metal and concrete. You would have to purposley seek out a wooden structure here, if you wanted to see one. And it would be a long search. The people here are very afraid of another beast attack, regardless of how much the countries government insists that the beast was dealt with.


It is a coastal city and also on a river, so it has access to both fresh and salt water. It is a bit hilly.


"cold, snowy winters, and warm, humid summers, and moderate rainfall"
It is considered Humid Subtropical.
5 million
Ruling/Owning Rank

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