Anarsis, Terror of the Sands Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Anarsis, Terror of the Sands (Ann-Are-Sis)

After the horrors inflicted upon mortals by the Tyrant, Teraptus, blue dragons were hunted to extinction. Or so it was thought.

After the discovery of peoples in the Velaken Desert, expeditions and trade caravans began wending their way through the sands, and there, in the endless expanse of the dune seas, did they find what is now thought to be the last blue, Anarsis.

Deep within the wasteland of the Desert, Anarsis stalks caravans, attacking them, often, out of sheer spite and rage.  He rarely leaves survivors, and those who do manage to escape tell tales of his savagery, and how he butchered them, often without any real feeling; simply violence for the sake of violence.

As Anarsis has proven himself a menace to merchants, travelers, and the citizenry of Therengia, Baron Blaine Gifford has issued a decree stating that Anarsis is a nuisance, and, should he be slain, the slayer(s) who do so will be rewarded with substantial monetary rewards, as well as large tracts of land in the ever-growing city of Therenborough.


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