August Spiteaxe Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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August Spiteaxe

Born in Stoneclan, August Spiteaxe has been heralded as one of the greatest scientific minds the Dwarves have ever produced.  She has studied for years, with any college or professor available, both on Kermoria and elsewhere, to more further understand the exact science behind rocks, stones, and volcanoes.  She considers herself a premier geologist and volcanologist, and has written dozens of papers and tomes discussing the science, and not the myth or religion, behind volcanic eruptions and their causes.

Her time spent in and around volcanoes within the Gemfire Mountains has not been a lackluster adventure, however, as she has discovered (and profited from) a number of gem-rich magma tubes, increasing her personal wealth to substantial amounts, and further financing travel and exploration.

In mid 221, she, along with other members of the Imperial Science Corps, departed south for the Pridelands, intent on mapping much of it, as well as potentially securing trading rights with many of the tribes of the desert and the plains.

August was married in 203, but her husband was killed less than a year later while they traversed a volcanic caldera, his body never recovered.  Since then, she has remained one of Stoneclan's, and even all Therengia's, most eligible bachelorettes.
Current Location
Year of Birth
86 AV 136 Years old
Aligned Organization


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