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Bjork Gunndersün, III, BPDF, Esq.

An orc chieftain from the Pridelands, Bjork Gunndersün took a last name to sound more 'civilized and fancy' when he moved northwards, in some sort of vain attempt to fit in.

A long, arduous drought had taken it's toll on his tribe, and so, after much debate and a lot of infighting, the decision was made to relocate northwards, away from their ancestral homes. In doing so, they eventually settled, and were assimilated into, the orc civilization of Tiger Clan. But Bjork wasn't ready to completely settle down; years of barbaric culture and bloodshed were hard to forget, but, he was trying to be 'a people' now; he couldn't just go slaughter and loot and pillage....Or could he?

In 202AV, shortly after the end of the First Siege of RiverCrossing, Bjork had a grand idea; why not get paid to fight? Sellswords were in high demand, so why not become one himself? And so, Bjork did just that; he made a modest living for a few years, and, in 205AV, had saved enough coin to form what is now the largest mercenary company in Zoluren; the Hellfire Jury.

Years of leading this ragtag band of mercenaries brought fame and fortune to Bjork, and yet, he still felt like an outcast; so many of those fancy folk had titles and big, long names, why shouldn't Bjork? So, Bjork, the Great General of Everything and Grand PooBah of the Clan, declared himself 'Bringer of Pain and Death to my Foes', or, BPDF, in titles.

But even a long, fear-worthy title wasn't enough for Bjork; he wanted more. In 219, he met a man who was called a 'lawyer'. Bjork didn't know what that meant, but the man had the title of 'Esquire', and that sounded mighty fancy to Bjork.

And so, as of 221, the complete and full title of the Orc now contains the moniker esquire. Because fancy.
Current Location
Year of Birth
173 AV 49 Years old
Black, shoulder length, beginning to bald
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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