Byve, Benevolence Embodied Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Byve, Benevolence Embodied (Be-Vay)

Byve, a large, female gold dragon, was completely unknown in Kermoria prior to the siege of River Crossing in 221AV.  After the battle, when hope seemed lost for so many, she approached, disguised as a beautiful human in a flowing golden dress, to make right many of the wrongs of the war.  Using her powerful magics, she bent time, space, and even reality to put much of the city back the way it was, before the greenskins invaded.  This cost her severely, however, and she was forced to revert to her draconic form, so weak she was unable to maintain her disguise.  

King Roger Vorclaf personally stood guard over her for nearly three days while she recovered from this, and he begged her to stay within his kingdom as an advisor and friend.  She, politely, declined his offer, but promised she would return if his needs grew dire once more.


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