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Demi-Gods and Goddesses of the Pridelands Peoples

Of all the religions of Kermoria, the religions of the Pridelands have more demi-gods (and goddesses), half-gods, semi-immortals, and other figures touched by the divine than one can shake a stick at; it's tough to have any sort of discussion on religion without a dozen or more names being mentioned as being responsible, or partly responsible, for some aspect of society in the discussion.

While some are considered more influential than others, and some are simply divine by basis of being the child of a deity with no real power of there own, they all have one thing in common:  somewhere, someone, has erected an altar or made a sacrifice in their honor, in hopes of receiving a boon or blessing in their name.


Baa'rus is one of the eldest Gods in the Pridelands, and holds, arguably, the most power amongst them all; he, and he alone, draws the sun from it's slumber within the Great Sea (The Reshal, to the east) and draws it across the sky, dragging it behind him in sling made of Tabaxi hair.  While he is generally seen as a demi-god, not fit for full worship, it is likely that his followers offer more sacrifices than any other, as the ramifications of the sun not rising at dawn each day are incomprehensible.  Clerics worshipping Baa'rus are typically of the Light or Twilight domain, though some clerics devoted to Order see him as an inspiration, as the sun has unerringly risen each day since time immemorial.  

Menos, Doces, Nexus, and Dyeus

The three brothers who represent the existing moons of Kermoria rise and fall, wax and wane, and bring the tides.  Their sister, Dyeus, grew angry at them one day, and, in her rage, threw herself hurtling towards Kermoria, shattering into thousands of pieces and forever removing the silver light of Graz'Hir from the skies.  Their clerics are almost exclusively from the twilight domain, though it is said that each of them, their sister included, have a long history of inserting themselves into the lives of mortals, touching them and granting them sorcerous abilities drawn from the Lunar cycles.


Solek is one of the most androgynous of the Pantheon, presenting as both male and female, sometimes at once.  Their gifts to the world have nothing to do with sexuality, however, as Solek embodies thought and creativity; unlike a muse, Solek does not inspire; Solek simply implants the idea for someone to begin their Magnum Opus.  His clerics are often amongst the Knowledge domain, and he is frequently worshipped by bards, storytellers, many learned mages, and is said to be the favored soul of many of the Great Houses of the Kingdom.


Raja is unseen, but her presence is felt everywhere, by everyone, at once.  Raja is a tidekeeper, but not of great lakes or oceans; Raja controls the ebb and flow of the Baiun, the river of time.  None but Raja can know it's twists and turns, and it is she, and she alone, who controls it's speed and it's direction.  It is said that He who has the favor of Raja can control the universe itself.  Many cultures outside the Pridelands have a similar figure, known as the Chronomancer, or Alindine, She who Controls the Weave of Time.


Shu holds dominion over many things, but her most important duty is to create, control, and tame the winds.  From guiding it into the great blast furnaces of the city, or spreading wildfires across the savannah to fuel new growth, or spreading the seeds of new growth, the work of Shu should never be underestimated.


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