Helix Syndicate Organization in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Helix Syndicate

Operating in and around Therengia, the Helix Syndicate is known for running a multitude of illegal fighting rings, underground animal fights, and even gladiatorial-style games between men and beasts...wherever profit and bloodshed are concerned, you'll likely find the Helix Syndicate.


Ettore keeps a tight grip on his profits, utilizing a scheme of runners, bettors, clerks, and even, on occasion, hired muscle, to keep the coins flowing.  However, there is otherwise no real structure to the fighting rings and pits themselves.

The smuggling operation, however, to bring the 'fighters' into the city and it's surrounds, is a whole different matter; it is assumed there a multitude of levels of information being passed amongst the smugglers, traders, buyers, and brokers, but each time one is captured, they know very little of whom they're dealing with, both up, and down, the chain.

Animals are profit, with meat attached.

Notable Members


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