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Klauss Von Gierden

Großadmirant Klauss Von Gierden stands as the formidable leader of the The Reiksmarine, commanding the vast naval forces of the Nordreik with an iron will and an unwavering dedication to the empire. A seasoned veteran of countless maritime campaigns, Klauss is renowned for his strategic brilliance and his ability to lead his fleet through the most treacherous waters. His ascent to the position of Großadmirant was marked by a series of decisive victories and an unyielding commitment to the Nordreik's naval supremacy.

Klauss is a staunch advocate for the purity and strength of the Nordreik, harboring a deep-seated animosity toward elves, whom he views as a threat to the empire's stability and dominance. This prejudice fuels his relentless pursuit of policies aimed at diminishing elven influence and presence within the Nordreik's territories. Under his command, the Reiksmarine has been instrumental in enforcing the empire's harsh stance against elves, often leading to brutal and uncompromising actions at sea and in coastal regions.

Despite his ruthless approach, Klauss is respected and feared in equal measure by his subordinates and peers. His leadership style is characterized by meticulous planning and a keen understanding of both traditional and arcane naval warfare. He demands the highest standards of discipline and readiness from the Reiksmarine, ensuring that his fleet remains an unparalleled force on the high seas. Klauss Von Gierden's legacy is one of uncompromising strength and a relentless drive to secure the Nordreik's maritime dominion, shaping the Reiksmarine into a symbol of the empire's might and determination.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Großadmirant Klauss Von Gierden stands at an imposing 6'2" (188 cm) with a robust and muscular build, weighing approximately 222 lbs (100 kg). Years of rigorous naval training and countless campaigns at sea have forged his body into a powerful and resilient form, capable of withstanding the harsh conditions of maritime life. His fair skin, now weathered and sun-kissed from exposure to the elements, tells the tale of a man who has spent much of his life under the open sky, facing the brunt of wind, salt, and sun.

Klauss's hair, once a rich dark brown, has begun to gray at the temples, a testament to the wisdom and experience he has accumulated over the decades. His hair is kept short and practical, befitting a man of his rank and duty. His steely blue eyes, sharp and penetrating, are often described as his most striking feature. These eyes, always alert and calculating, have witnessed countless battles and have guided many strategic decisions. They convey a sense of unwavering determination and an acute awareness of his surroundings.

  Despite his age of 58, Klauss maintains a rigorous physical regimen, ensuring that he remains in peak condition. His movements are deliberate and measured, reflecting his disciplined nature. Scars from past battles mar his skin, each one a reminder of the encounters and challenges he has faced. His hands, calloused and strong, are a testament to the hard work and dedication he has poured into his naval career.

Specialized Equipment

Großadmirant Klauss Von Gierden is known for carrying several unique items that set him apart from other naval officers. While most officers carry a standard sword, Klauss wields an exquisitely crafted rapier with an intricately designed hilt that incorporates motifs of the sea, such as waves and krakens, symbolizing his command over the maritime forces. This rapier, named "Storm's Edge," is enchanted with elemental magic, allowing Klauss to channel electrical energy through its blade, delivering devastating strikes to his enemies.

In addition to his rapier, Klauss carries a custom-made hand crossbow. This weapon, known as "Seasnipe," is compact yet powerful, designed for quick and precise shots. It is fitted with a mechanism that allows it to fire enchanted bolts, each imbued with different elemental effects such as fire, ice, or poison. This versatility makes the Seasnipe an invaluable tool for both close-quarters combat and long-range engagements.

Klauss also wears a distinctive naval admiral's coat made from the finest materials, dyed in deep navy blue with gold embroidery. This coat is more than just a symbol of his rank; it is enchanted with protective spells that offer resistance against physical and magical attacks. The coat's inner lining is adorned with pockets and compartments for storing maps, documents, and small arcane trinkets.

Perhaps the most unique accessory Klauss carries is his command amulet, known as the "Tidebinder." This ancient artifact, passed down through generations of Reiksmarine leaders, allows Klauss to communicate telepathically with his officers and even manipulate the tides to a limited extent. The Tidebinder is set with a large sapphire that glows faintly when activated, serving as a constant reminder of Klauss's connection to the sea and his authority over the Reiksmarine.

Together, these items not only signify Klauss Von Gierden's esteemed position but also enhance his formidable presence on the battlefield and at sea, making him a true embodiment of the Nordreik's naval might.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the bustling port city of Riverhaven in the year 164, Klauss Von Gierden grew up amidst the sights and sounds of maritime life. His father, a respected shipbuilder, instilled in him a deep appreciation for naval craftsmanship and the strategic importance of a strong navy. From a young age, Klauss was drawn to the sea, spending countless hours learning about ships, navigation, and the intricacies of maritime warfare.

Klauss joined the Reiksmarine as a young man, quickly rising through the ranks due to his exceptional skills and tactical acumen. His early career was marked by several notable engagements against pirate fleets and rival coastal forces, where his innovative strategies and decisive actions earned him a reputation as a brilliant and fearless leader. By the time he reached the rank of Kapitan zur See, Klauss had already distinguished himself as one of the most capable officers in the Reiksmarine.

In 210, Klauss played a pivotal role in a major naval campaign that secured the Nordreik's dominance over the eastern Reshal Sea. His leadership during the blockade of the Isle of Ratha was instrumental in the Reiksmarine's victory, and his success in these operations led to his promotion to Reiksadmirant. Over the next decade, Klauss continued to build his legacy, overseeing the modernization of the fleet and implementing rigorous training programs to enhance the effectiveness of his forces.

By 222, Klauss Von Gierden had ascended to the highest rank of Großadmirant, commanding the entire Reiksmarine with an unwavering commitment to the Nordreik's naval supremacy. His tenure has been marked by a relentless pursuit of policies aimed at securing the empire's maritime interests and diminishing the influence of elves, whom he views as a significant threat. Klauss's strategic brilliance, combined with his deep-seated animosity toward elves, has shaped the Reiksmarine into a formidable force, ensuring the Nordreik's dominance on the high seas.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
164 AV 58 Years old
Steely blue
Dark brown, graying at the temples
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair, with a weathered and sun-kissed appearance from years at sea
6'2" (188 cm)
220 lbs (100 kg)


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